GOP Dreams of 2016

Gage Skidmore (CC)
Gage Skidmore (CC)

It’s just a few years down the road, so of course it’s time for the potential GOP candidates for the presidency to start posturing, preening, hinting, and overtly stating that they intend to toss their proverbial hats in the ring. On the latter, sort of, there is the infamous Donald “I’m going to run and then drop out early” Trump. This time, (like all other times?) he’s saying he’s got his money, and he’s ready to spend it to get the prize. Of course, some could say that a move to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. would be slumming for the billionaire.

“If I made a decision, I’d spend a lot,” he said in an interview with ABC News, acknowledging the race would likely cost half a billion dollars or more. “If I did it, I’d spend whatever it took.”

It’s early, so who knows? Maybe dear old Donald will end up dropping out before the race even really begins.

Gage Skidmore (CC)
Gage Skidmore (CC)

What GOP primary circus would be complete without Rick Santorum? It’s no surprise that he’s already glad-handing in Iowa – maybe hoping for another at-least-a-little-more-fruitful victory there this time around. But will he be able to keep the momentum once he breaks out of the bible-belt? Given his current vocation – CEO of a Christian film company – the better money is on a tepid response from the not-so-religious right.

Bob Jagendorf (CC)
Bob Jagendorf (CC)

Yes, it is very early to be talking about he presidential primary, but there are already polls out there – ones that are undoubtedly at least a little disturbing to the ones that are showing early interest in running. And maybe Santorum and Trump missed the headlines about Chris Christie – he’s leading in a couple presidential polls. Again, it’s early. Also, the likelihood that the GOP will end up attempting to go “Big Tent”, draw in as many middle-ground voters that are disillusioned with Obama, and attempt to be welcoming of anyone leaning even slightly right – or at least giving a damn about freedom – is about as likely as the devil starting a snow-cone business in hell. So, Christie probably should frame those news stories, and save them for posterity. That popularity isn’t likely to last once the calls of RINO start again in earnest about him.

Liz Harrison (twitter: @GoldwaterGal)

Liz is a mostly-retired veteran political campaign worker, wife, mom, opinionated gal, fiscal conservative, anti-social-conservative, atheist, and foreign affairs/Mid-East politics junkie.

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One Comment

  1. I think there are a lot more Republicans like me than the RNC realizes. I wonder.

    If the GOP Candidate is a RINO (Christie, King, or another McCain or Romney) I will vote AGAINST the Democrat. Not good for the GOP, I guarantee you!

    In order for me to vote Republican again I need a Candidate who stands for the Constitution – not in a phony Romney way but by their actions – like Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, Rand Paul, General Mattis…

    Patriots! PAY – Tree – OTs! Constitutionalists!

    The Republicans loose, not because there are more liberal, entitlement mongering, nipple suckers but because the majority of Americans are disenchanted and disenfranchised with the current situation and the lack of a true choice. To them the political arena is more like a basket full of apples; some apples are rotten, some are green, some are red – BUT THEY ARE ALL STILL APPLES! Not one orange in the bunch!

    Stop it. Stop believing in the mythical, so-called, “Moderate”! The Conservatives ARE the Moderates. Nazis are the extreme right – ya got that?! Not good old fashioned – yes bible thumping – American Patriots! And they are both Democrats and Republicans and many partys! In fact party has nothing to do with it!

    Here is the real question, Mr. Candidate; are you for big government and do you believe Big Government is needed so it can take care of us? Or are you for small limited government that protects our unalienable rights and stays out of our way to be the best that each of us can be? Are you a Calvin Coolidge or an FDR?

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