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If Conservatives Want to Restore America, Stop Allowing the GOP to Compromise The Constitution and America to the Democrats!



 GOP Ass Kiss


Republicans voters keep wallowing in chaos while repeating mistakes that put America on the road to progressivism: Compromise to the Left for fear of alienating the Left.

Conservatives keep voting for candidates the GOP insists will beat Democrat candidates, and the GOP continues losing to the Democrats!

That makes us conservatives just as guilty as the GOP Machine we’ve allowed to dupe us twice, into voting for two men conservatives did not want: John McCain in 2008 and Mitt Romney in 2012.

McCain up GOP Ass

Basically, the GOP Machine is telling conservatives that paying a Democrat hooker for sex is no different than taking your conservative Tea Party girlfriend out to dinner: “Hey, you paid for the tab!” Yes, but the piece of meat in Blue spandex is not Red Prime Rib! And you don’t pay your girlfriend for sex unless she’s a money-grubbing mistress your wife has a right to stick a fork in!

Good grief! Have we conservatives learned nothing? Maybe, because the GOP keeps pimping out votes and we conservatives keep “hooking” ourselves to the political prostitution.

Our founders must be looking down on America and thinking: “Why did we sign the Constitution if these idiots are so desperate to return their rights to kings?”

I know one thing: If Andrew Jackson were alive today, he would shoot the Democrat Party, run the Republicans through, and join the Tea Party!

The Founders, like today’s leaders, fought endlessly and nonsensically over bills on the House floor (to the point that Andrew Jackson demanded if leaders could not give an up or down vote they should duel each other), but one thing they never compromised on was framing the United States Constitution.

Many readers will insist the founders indeed compromised before signing the document. Yes, they debated how to frame a document providing The Rights of Man. They revised constantly so as not to leave out any God-given liberties, but they never compromised those liberties. That’s what modern-day Washington leaders and kings do.

The Constitution is not a compromise, it is in fact a provision of evidence upholding the laws of liberties that exist from mankind’s creation.

The Framers did not formulate what we see inside the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, God created those liberties—Natures Laws.

Federalist and Anti-Federalist were in one accordance: The Laws of Nature are laws no man or government has rights to trample, that these God-given liberties, given unto us at creation, must be upheld, promoted and provided for, sustained and protected by a limited government reined in by the people.

That’s not compromising, negotiating, or meeting halfway, as leaders of the modern-day GOP do when coping with Democrats for settlements designed only to gain votes for life-termed power versus promoting the American Experiment and individualism that made this country great. The framing and signing the Constitution was a coming together as one people to buttress the foundations of liberty on paper so all would see their rights are God-given, not government provided.

Why is that difficult for conservatives to hold onto and believe in? Are we afraid of taking care of ourselves, of making our own money we spend and save as we individually choose? Are we afraid to control of an out of control monster called government?

Furthermore, when it came to separate parties, the Founders did not believe both parties should work together. Today’s dysfunctional leadership has become one incestuous family party.

Unfortunately John Beohner and Harry Reid came together to breed Nancy Pelosi’s Flying Monkeys.  

The Founders fought each other rabidly. They did not get along or live peacefully together. They bickered, debated policies and philosophies, and tried to undermine one another, with Andrew Jackson going so far as to challenge fellow leaders to duels.

The fighting by anti-Federalists was the refusal to break the Constitution’s laws.

Here is an example of refusal to trample the Constitution: The anti-Federalists considered the President’s annual address to Congress a parliamentary act of the King of England and wanted the address abolished abolished.

Next: Congress decided to fashion and hold annual addresses! Andrew Jackson, in righteous indignation, stood up in the House of Congress, demanding both actions cease. Jackson told President Washington and Congress they were not communicating the British wrongs perpetrated against America—hijacking American ships. Washington had disregarded addressing Britain’s actions toward America trading on the high seas. Jackson insisted President Washington was acting like the British king. Thomas Jefferson and Congress sided with Jackson’s demands to abolish the annual address. Republicans agreed with the Democrat Jackson: America must never revert backward! Congress took a vote and ended the Presidential Annual Address to Congress. It would not be heard again until the Progressive Woodrow Wilson enacted it back into law.[1]

If only Modern-day GOP leaders would make uncompromising demands and stop acting like the House of Lords!

More often than not Republicans surrender and agree to whatever terms Democrats demand so the GOP won’t look bad in the eyes of the people they desperately want voting Republican. That compromise has destroyed the Republican Party and given Democrats the upper hand in pushing the country into socialism.

GOP Elephant Beaten

Compromise has made America lose her way on a progressive path leading to destruction.

Parties’ working together as one disbands competition and disallows each party to branch out individual ideas.

Compromise creates one big government party that overreaches its power into the states and thrusts tyranny upon the people.

It is one thing to work together to create a free country based on liberty for all and another to sell out the people’s independence for political power and control over individuals.

It is one thing for leaders to work together to trade America’s manufactured goods for prosperity and quite another to sell out American manufacturing to enemies profiting off America’s economic decline.

It is one thing for the GOP to work together with the Tea Party to tear down the progressive ideologies of the Democrat Party (as they should be doing versus trashing conservatives) and entirely another to sell out traditional conservative values for Democrat votes.

Compromise is what people are forced to do under monarchy. Is that any different than two parties working together as one? No, that simply creates a large aristocracy of government elites controlling the amount of liberty the people are allowed.

If we conservatives continue compromising to whatever the GOP tells us and we vote for whomever the GOP tells us to vote for in the 2014 and 2016 elections, its our fault if America goes down.

Sometimes I wonder why we outlawed dueling!


[1] H. W. Brands, Andrew Jackson: His Life and Times (New York: Doubleday, 2005), 80.

Lisa Richards

Lisa Richards is a life-long Conservative Republican with a capital "C," fighting leftist progressivism like a hyped-up hormonal verbal paper-shredder on over-drive. A writer of politics and history, Richards believes in upholding an defending the Constitution and American Exceptionalism without apologies. Lisa Richards Holds a Bachelors of Science in Political Science from Sacred Heart University. She resides in her native state of Connecticut with her family and an assortment of rescued animals

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One Comment

  1. Well said! The first item on this agenda to restore America should be refusing to fund Obamacare. The House and Senate both should fight to keep this monstrosity from becoming a reality as it will surely cement further control over the people by the Democratic regime.

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