America Our Way with Dustin Hoyt Sebelius hearing style – October 30th
When: Wednesday, October 30th, 10pm Eastern/7pm Pacific
Where: America Our Way with Dustin Hoyt on Blog Talk Radio
What: Dustin Hoyt takes on the biggest issues of the day, advocating for smaller government, liberty, common sense, and honest politicians. His insight and witty commentary provide entertaining and provoking angles on everything from fiscal policy to the most sensational statements. With a twist of Libertarianism and Conservativism that blends well to all who support the tea party and true American values. This show taps into all the things patriotic Americans love and need to hear in the battle against the left and the expansive government we fight against.
Tonight: Tonight Dustin talks about the House hearing with HHS Secretary Sebelius. Yes, apparently men need maternity care, at least according to our HHS Secretary. Take a little trip down the yellow brick road to the not so wonderful world of Oz — or ObamaCare land, where government officials in charge of everyone’s healthcare don’t need to know the basic facts of life!