ObamaCare around the horn

In case you’ve been living under a rock somewhere, all the buzz is about the mainstream media cooling off when it comes to its hot and heavy love affair with Obama. What pushed them over the top? ObamaCare has been an abysmal failure, so it seems they can’t manage to keep up the lies for the president anymore. Of course the conservative media has been pointing this out for ages, but now the rest of the media is getting the point. But, that doesn’t mean all is forgiven! Conservatives really do need to continue avoiding liberal media – leave that to the evil bloggers Obama says everyone should be ignoring. Following is a collection of the “best of the best” for today, from the conservative or at least remotely close to unbiased outlets on the ObamaCare failures.
Lawrence O’Donnell opens mouth and inserts foot, comparing the ObamaCare website with F-22 fighter jets – It’s MSNBC, so what should one expect? Of course, the big question is, how did O’Donnell manage to learn anything about fighter jets? Either way, it’s not the most brilliant comparison one could make. For you military junkies, this should be moderately amusing.
Leno blasts ObamaCare rollout – For those that really don’t pay attention, you know it’s bad when Jay Leno picks on you, at least if you’re a Democrat residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue! Of course, Leno’s not the only one picking on the president on late night, but this one popped up today.
Ron Fournier thinks Sebelius should hit the road – Don’t let the door hit you in the…. Yet another rip on the administration on MSNBC, this one on Morning Joe.
Spend 4.5 hours on the phone, and still don’t get coverage – Remember it just like it was yesterday? Oh yeah, it was! The president told folks that couldn’t get through the infernal website to try calling to get ObamaCare. Well, one man took that advice, spent 4.5 hours on the phone, and still didn’t get coverage. At least that’s what ABC reports.
Even the Al Jazeera reporters can’t get through – Sure, Al Gore may have sold them their cable spot, but Al Jazeera seems to have gotten the short end of the stick from Obama. Their reporter tries to get on ObamaCare, and can’t.
Well, those were all from Washington Free Beacon today! Next time we’ll have to branch out some more….