Are You A Republicrat?

Are You A Republicrat?

I am not a liberal. I am a conservative. When I say conservative, I do not mean the rank and file CINO, or Conservative In Name Only. I mean that I am a genuine, common sense, down to earth person who will vote for a candidate based on moral constitutional principles of integrity regardless of party. Now before you turn me off labeling me as some fringe wacko libertarian kind of nut, just hear me out.

I am conservative! I am conservative in my suits, ties, manners, religion, music, politics . . . etc. I am a church attending Christian, pro-life anti-abortion, heterosexual husband and father, gun owning, Bible totin’, evangelistic man. I agree with your right to disagree with me and will help you defend that right, but will not stand by passively while you shove your opposing views down my throat. Your opinion is not more important than mine and warrants no special treatment above mine. I believe prayer in Jesus’ name in public or private is constitutional and believe the state should keep its nose out of the free exercise of religion, as stated plainly in the first amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America.

I am not for legalizing drugs, and am opposed to big brother government, and think government should be shrunk by at least 95 % since government has boldly gone where our founding fathers never intended. I support the average American little guy of any color or ethnic background, who breaks his back supporting this country and its socialist agenda of spending. I know how to spend what little I make better than out of touch politicians who are more concerned about padding their pockets, pleasing fringe groups and influencing their constituents, rather than representing their constituents.

May I continue in honesty? Thank you. The Democrats started giving away the store under Franklin Delano Roosevelt, then mainstreamed it with Lyndon Baines Johnson’s “Great Society,” Barack Hussein Obama has now taken this country to new heights (by the trillions) making Roosevelt, Johnson and others look like amateurs. Though the Republican Party at one time in the past, vigorously opposed this type of liberalism and socialism repeatedly, there is not a dime’s worth of difference today between the elite leadership of the Democrats and the Republicans. The GOP has not stood where it should have stood concerning such things as NAFTA and TARP and stimulus spending, and raising the debt ceiling, and has sold us all down the river on Obamacare.

I am not a party man. I swear allegiance to principle, not party, and that principle is reflected in any candidate I may support. The issue today is no longer between the donkey and the elephant. America does not have a two party system: there is only one party with two branches, Democrat and Republican or what I call the Republicrats. The battle is between the America hating, Marxist/socialists from both parties as they try to run rough shod over We The People, the ones who elect these charlatans. It is time to wake up smell the coffee, re-elect NO ONE and throw every politician out of office, replacing each and every one with statesmen and patriots who will serve the people who elected them, then go back home to their jobs and let the next round of elected officials serve their term, then go home, etc. etc.

I will not vote for another Republican in conservative clothing. Will the real America wake up, unite and prepare for battle? This can be our finest hour.

Joseph Harris is a pastor and former Bible college instructor and has been writing columns since 2000.

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  1. Of the many articles I have read, this one strikes home with me. I consider myself and independent. I am not a Democrat, nor a Republican. I abhor the president and his administrations agenda of destroying my country. I served my country and took an oath to “defend our country and the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic”. Mr. Obama, his entire staff and administration, the liberal/progressive movement are the ENEMY. Why won’t anyone of the “hired help” in Congress stand up and tell this one tiny individual, NO.

  2. How very refreshing to meet an AMERICAN !!! We, as a nation, seem to ‘need’ a label not realizing that labels are restrictive & impose limitations. And, quite frankly, can create the mob-mentality that lacks positive direction & often reason. We all know that when one sheep goes off a cliff, the rest blindly follow. Conservative, Liberal, Republican, Democrat, or Libertarian are self imposed divisions. Would it not be more prosperous for the masses to take the best from each & discard the rest and call ourselves AMERICANS?

    In 2014, ask each candidate or potential one, Just what does their idea of service mean. Does it mean only ‘self-service”? We have been blessed with yet another chance…let’s not blow it!!! If we want to live in His Grace, we must act like it…& put ego in a box.
    In Prayer for Our Nation

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