What My New Year’s Resolutions Mean!

Not like you care, but you might find some similarities between what you’re thinking and what I’m doing…

The top five resolutions are 1. Lose weight, 2. Get organized, 3. Spend less, save more, 4. Enjoy life to the fullest, and 5. Stay fit and healthy. Even more interesting is the percentages of accomplishment. Only 45% of Americans actually make resolutions and only 8% of those succeed… EIGHT PERCENT! (Pause here a moment and let that sink in!)

So, what makes me think I can keep mine? Do I think I’m better than those people? No. More stubborn? Yes! Willing to go to the wall? Yes!

There are many successful people in this world who simply never gave up. They pushed through and no matter how bad it got they never got disheartened. So, I’ll take a few of the major resolutions:

  1. Lose weight. I pledge to lose weight, the weight of all those naysayers who claim conservatives can’t win, can’t stand strong, and can’t come together to ensure a win. I resolve to dump the weight of those people who send me emails telling me how this country is lost and we will never come back. I will do it by doing what I do best, consistently focusing on the mark, pushing towards it and asking God (yes I said God) for His guidance for success and how to get God and country to the place of honor it deserves.
  2. Get organized. That’s so important! I’m not talking about lining up my suits in the closet or my underwear in the drawer, but getting my priorities straight. Organize my friends and acquaintances in such a way that I know who cares about what issues and have them help me strengthen this country again to make it, once again, the greatest country on the face of the planet. No one with “political correctness” need apply.
  3. Spend less, save more. Agreed! Spend less energy fighting unwinnable fights and save more energy to be used on battles we can win. People in my line of work spend energy fighting on many fronts about many issues. If you don’t focus, you can’t win. Pick one or two, you know your bandwidth, use the saved up energy and resources fighting and organizing (see item 2 above) to support those issues close to your heart.
  4. Enjoy life to the fullest. You have to have the “liberty” to “pursue happiness” and enjoy life to its fullest. Most people enjoy life when they are pursuing their dreams and working hard for their money to be able to save or invest as they see fit to better their lives. In order for me to be able to enjoy my life, I have to have control over it. What kind of healthcare I want or don’t want. Whether I want to join a union or not. How much debt I want to strap my children and grandchildren with.
  5. Stay fit and healthy. OK, I can only spin this one so much. Yes, we need to take care of ourselves so that we have energy for the fight, because people, believe me, it will be a fight. Those of you who are left-leaning see what’s happened over the last almost 5 years as a positive. In your mind, America is finally taking care of all its people. Healthcare for all, mortgage reductions for all, overreaching regulations in banking, the EPA, FCC, and labor board (to name a few). A decimation of our military not seen since the days of Mr. Clinton. None of that has been healthy… NONE OF IT! The economy is being propped up on government money steroids, and is so fragile that when a hint is uttered that the government may pull back just a little, the market tanks! None of these things are healthy not a one.

I resolve to hold my feet to the fire to push, poke, and prod myself and others around me to get this country back to “Liberty and Justice for All.” All people, any color, any size and ethnicity should be able to pursue their dreams.

I resolve to hold my elected officials feet to the fire to do what they said they were going to do when they ran for election.

I resolve to make sure every legal vote counts by shining a light on those who think that any person on American soil with a heartbeat has the right to vote. They don’t! Our founding fathers didn’t give up their property, family, and lives for us to spit on the Constitution.

I resolve not to back down from my American pride, my Christianity, my “MALEness”, or my love for God and country.

Join me in a New Year’s Resolution to ensure that:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

God Bless and Happy New Year!

Joe Messina

Joe is a no-nonsense, conservative realist. He is not interested in “what if?” or “we could have!” He is interested in hearing both sides and has no problem taking on taboo issues with real questions looking for real answers. Racism, religion, and politics are all open season for topics, and he’s happy to offer up his opinion in the process! Joe is an engaging speaker mixing a healthy dose of sarcasm with the cold, hard facts, interacting with the audience, taking questions, and often playing “devil’s advocate”… just to make you to think! Actively engaged in community, church, and politics for well over a decade, Joe enjoys the reputation of being a man of integrity and ethics. He has had several successful businesses and held several executive positions with various Fortune 1000 companies. He is often sought after to teach classes his “black and white breakdown” of business ethics.If you like to “stir the pot” a little and you don’t want to hear any more political correctness, Joe is your guy! Just name a topic… politics, religion, racism, or most any current event.Joe can be heard daily across the airwaves and over the internet on several stations.

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One Comment

  1. QUICK !! Where do I get an application? I am a “Resolution Dropout” with sprinkles of guilt for not taking part in tradition. YOU make it possible for me to honor age old practices….

    The GOP might do well to take these in as well, with particular attention to #3 !! Established Republicans & newcomers such as Libertarians, Tea Party & other ‘patriotic’ groups had best learn that we ALL are in one way of the other CONSERVATIVE AMERICANS working for the same goal…SAVING OUR NATION from Socialism.
    If anyone’s personal ego is convinced that they & only their little group have the ONLY answer, with no room to consider other options, the Republican Party while admittedly in need of some work, probably isn’t for you. “The family that prays together, stays together”…same principal in politics…hey! just listen to the libs all say the same message of the day!


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