
President offers disrespectful ‘latte salute’ to marines

While exiting the presidential helicopter,  Marine One, Obama thought that properly saluting the marines guarding his exit was just a bit to troublesome.

Of course, the story is more complicated that the opening sentence. The President was forced to hold absolutely nothing in his left hand while he saluted the marines with his coffee-encumbered right.

The U.S. Navy Manual (the Marine Corps is part of the Navy) has a section entitled “Procedures for Saluting.” In it, there are listed a few reasons one may not properly salute:

e. In some situations, the salute is not appropriate. In general, do not salute when:
(1) Engaged in routine work when a salute would interfere.
(2) Indoors, except when under arms.
(3) Carrying articles with both hands or being otherwise so occupied as to make saluting impractical.
(4) The rendition of the salute is obviously inappropriate, such as in places of public assemblage such as
theaters or churches, and in public conveyances.

I am not sure if perhaps the routine work of disembarking his private, high-cost, tax-payer provided helicopter counts as (1) or if perhaps Mr. President is packing heat under that jacket so that (3) applies.

(3) Would only apply if “occupied” could be replaced with “thinking about golfing.”

Where an exception could be granted would be (4) as he is exiting a method of public.. oops, never mind. This conveyance is his and his only.

The key being that if an excusable consideration had occurred Obama could have just not saluted at all. Instead, he chose to give a half-hearted, disrespectful and nearly callous version of the military courtesy.

While some excuses will be made that one or more exceptions might apply to Obama’s faux-pas (hasn’t the media excused the other bunches of them), this one should be left to dangle around his scrawny neck.

Sure, he could claim to be too busy, have too much in his hands, be otherwise engaged in other work  or what have you. Our fighting men and women deserve the simple common courtesy of their commander letting them know that they are more than an afterthought – that they are worth his attention.

Can you just imaging the outrage if a marine, soldier, airmen or sailor saluted President Obama with  a cup of coffee in their hands – or not at all.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. I was so repulsed when I saw this on FOX words that should never come out of an old gray headed Christian woman’s mouth just spewed out!!! I must say I do admire the Marine that resisted acting on what he must have felt. But then he’s a true professional & proud of his Country…and a Marine! He (Obama) has bowed to other nation’s, apologized for ours, and maligned about every group of people. Even the Supreme Court Justices and ‘our’ Congress who got their positions the same way he did…yet he doesn’t “need” them to act. Each time he pulls one of these “stunts”, after the rage settles, I wait for the next shoe to drop.

    Respect begins with self….and I understand his ‘cries for attention”, even his display of ‘superiority’ and Machivelian attitude. But this is NOT acceptable in the Presidency of our Nation. Frankly, I question his mental state and worry. I’ve read the ‘evaluations’ from several psychologist that have indicated it could be in question. And , once again I’m reminded of King Ludwig.

    Anyone have any idea what his ‘czars’ are up to and how much taxpayer money is involved?

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