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Trouble in Mexico-Texas border town

As much as the left would like us to believe that the border is secure, it is not. Texas is already a hot spot and it may be about to get hotter.

Reynosa, texasAccording to an AP report, Members of a Mexican drug cartel have killed five members of a family in the Mexico/Texas border town of Reynosa, Mexico.

The assailants arrived at the family’s home and forced the inhabitants outside, then killed a grandfather, his son and three of his grandchildren, aged 10 to 19, Tamaulipas state’s government said. The killings took place late Wednesday.

The gunmen reportedly questioned the family about a rival gang, and then shot them to death and ransacked the home on a road between Reynosa and the neighboring city of Matamoros.

Is this violence across the entirety of Mexico or just because the town borders with the U.S.? The AP tries hard in its article to shape it as a Mexican crime thing – but it’s not. These gangs are fighting over border territory. Border territory with pathways into America.

These gangs aren’t simpletons either. Not only can they kill people on a whim, they can set up sophisticated surveillance networks on the border – just like our ICE folks.

Mexican soldiers have detected and removed a total of 136 video cameras installed by a drug cartel to monitor movement on the streets of the border city of Reynosa, across from McAllen, Texas.

See, all we need are sanctuary cities where these fine folks can cross the border, commit felonies and be set free. It all makes perfect sense when put into perspective.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. The Bloods, Crypts, MS-13 are creating mayhem throughout our Country…and are known affiliates of the various cartels. It was these cartel ‘soldiers’ that were involved in the recent motorcycle gang shootings in Waco. Waco, if you recall, was home to the David Karish cult. He fled to Matamoros, Mexico. About 50 miles west of Reynosa, is Falcon Lake where the middle of the lake is the ‘unofficial’ border between countries. It was here that an American Couple were on their jet skis when from the Mexican side, the man was shot and killed. There was almost no help from the Mexican authorities to find his killer (still unknown after 6 years)

    American ranchers in the area regularly find bodies of illegals, particularly in the summer months. Border Patrol estimate that ONLY about 30% of crossers are apprehended….The rest live comfortably among us.

    Curious, they don’t hold back on violence or murder of their own, but refuse to extradite accused murderers to the United States where there is a death penalty….it’s inhumane whereas wholesale slaughter isn’t…hmmm

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