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Clinton lawyer to turn over server, thumb drive to FBI

After months of statements, a few hours of testimony and extensive television coverage, Hillary Clinton has finally agreed to give her private email server and a a thumb drive to the FBI.

Clinton Spokesman Nick Merrill tonight said that Clinton “directed her team to give her e-mail server that was used during her tenure as secretary to the Department of Justice, as well as a thumb drive containing copies of her e-mails already provided to the State Department.”

This latest move is a change of heart. In March, Mrs. Clinton fought the request to turn over her server by saying “I believe I have met all of my responsibilities, and the server will remain private.”

With revelations today, Clinton can no longer claim that classified material was never sent through her private server.  NBC News reported Tuesday that out of a 40 message sample of the 30,000+ emails Clinton supplied to the State Department, a high percentage showed up as classified and some, highly.

Two of the four classified messages discovered in emails turned over to the State Department by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton were labeled “top secret,” the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee said Tuesday.

How much, if anything, might be done by the FBI if document handling issues are found remains to be seen. President Obama’s use of prosecutorial discretion has led to the ATF’s disregard of marijuana legalization, ICE ignoring sanctuary cities and the DOJ passing on prosecution over possible voting place issues.

Congress’ ability to prosecute Clinton might also be limited.

While house Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said “it’s about time” referring to Clinton’s final agreement to turn over the server, his past performance in controversial situations has yielded few results.

If the Department of Justice is unwilling to prosecute the case, it is unlikely that Hillary will see more than bad press from this most-recent discovery.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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