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Trump ‘Definitely’ dumps Fox News’ Thursday night debate

The feud between Fox News’ Megyn Kelly and presidential front-runner Donald Trump has escalated to the point that Trump will not be attending the final GOP debate before the Iowa Caucus.

The Donald’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said that Trump would “definitely not” be attending the Fox News hosted debate and that the candidate would instead attend fund raisers for veteran’s groups in Iowa.

Lewandowski said that official statements made by Fox on Tuesday caused Trump to say “bye, bye” and pursue other activities instead.

While the Kelly v. Trump thing has raged since late summer, Tuesday’s attempt to poke fun at Donald may have set things off.

Today, Fox released a tongue-in-cheek statement: “We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president. A nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings.”

At one point Tuesday afternoon, Trump turned to his instagram followers for advice.

The Donald then held a press conference to continue the battle with Fox saying that “they could do a lot better than Megyn” and that “Fox is playing games.”

As confirmed later by his campaign manager – the Donald has decided.

Fox News’ issue is that advertisers paid rates with the idea that the audience grabbing billionaire would be on the stage. Without Trump, viewers may just watch live streams of a rumored Trump Town Hall instead.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. Perhaps the actual ratings being published of this “debate” v. the others will reveal much!

  2. Fox will take a big hit on their ad revenue.

    Smart move? not.

    Main St. has spoken.

    It’s good to see Mr. Trump’s alternative action, that is raising money for the Vets is right on, we need more of this. I am sure he will be a bigger draw vs. the Fox debate on Thursday in Iowa.

  3. Trump is a master marketeer and manipulator, but wait! Seems that he’s overthrown the ball on this play and gives a first down to FOX. FOX’s ratings have long been higher than other outlets and advertisers know it.
    Marketeers, manipulators, spin doctors have a short shelf life. This particular ‘plan’ of Trumps was sinking faster than a lead balloon so he has tried to keep it afloat through twitter etc and is now….using…our brave men and women as pawns. I’m thrilled that our vets are getting more money, but if he sincerely cared, he would’ve written a check without making them ‘earn’ it.

    Now, just WHO does he want to serve? Is it truly the people of this nation…..or himself?

    Will anyone that has heard a reasonable solution to any of the issues from him, please let me know.

    Compare his mastery to Obama…..His ‘Obamaizms include believing only he has the answers and deal making tactics …….hmmm not really what we need is it?

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