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Democrat Convention Day 1: Contentious, angry, chaotic start [live feed and videos]

The convention was gavelled-in by controversial Baltimore mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake as the DNC chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman-Shultz, resigns.

Shultz instead attempted an early Monday speech to the Florida delegation during which she was constantly booed, interrupted and otherwise jeered:

The negative attention comes as WikiLeaks released tens of thousands of emails, some of which contain evidence of the pro-Hillary/anti- Bernie bias in the Democrat party that Bernie Sanders and his supported have been saying has existed. The Democrat party primary was rigged and some are not so thrilled with the former chairwoman.

The rest of the program will likely poor red meat on the problem in the hopes of distracting progressive activists from the obvious corruption at the highest levels of the party.

DNC Convention Live Feed:

Here’s the heart of the line-up that the DNC hopes to use to quiet those that refuse to just fall in line:

DREAMer Astrid Silva

Senator Bernie Sanders

First Lady Michelle Obama

It is going to be interesting to see if Bernie and Michelle can change the minds of those that “felt the bern.”

Bernie supporter at DNC convention

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. Another Hyphenated Female Democrat-Commie.

    Is there no end to the Arrogance of these elitist-condescending of the “ordinary man and woman” women. Hillary Rodham-Clinton who is so arrogant she is above hyphenating her name is the first “lady” of this trend, this in your face I’m better than you – I’VE got a Hyphen in my name. I’m even better than my husband who doesn’t have a hyphen in his name!

    I wanna puke….

  2. Well good grief !!! I’d be contentious, angry too if I was fed all that BS day and night!!! I mean, who in their right mind would be a Democrat today?

  3. No, the real red flag is what happened a few days earlier in Nevada at the state’s Democratic convention — and how Sanders has chosen, so far, to respond.

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