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Catholic group suing to stop Obama’s contraception regulation

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y., Feb. 9, 2012  — Priests for Life, a New York based international pro-life organization of Catholic clergy and laity, today announced that it will be filing a lawsuit against the Obama Administration in an effort to seek injunctive relief from impending regulations that would require the organization to pay for employee health insurance that covers abortion-inducing drugs, contraception, and sterilization.

The Obama Administration’s rules — recently brought forth by a decree from the Department of Health and Human Services — are part of the controversial “ObamaCare” health insurance law (the so-called “Affordable Care Act”) that was passed by Congress in 2010 amidst endless ambiguities, confusion, and false assurances by President Obama himself that it would never be used to violate any organization’s or individual’s conscience on moral issues.

Now that the new HHS rules have been formally issued, however, Americans of all faiths are stunned that the Obama Administration is going to require employers to provide health insurance coverage for certain acts that go directly against their consciences or religious beliefs.

The lawsuit will seek injunctive relief from the HHS rules — first on behalf of Priests for Life, and hopefully extending universally since all organizations and companies will be affected by the tyrannical HHS decree. Priests for Life is particularly well placed to pursue this litigation because its primary purposes are to promote and protect life whereas the primary purposes of the contraceptive mandate are to prevent and destroy life.

According to Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, “It’s unthinkable that President Obama would force Americans of any faith to violate their consciences. Yet here he is, arrogantly imposing these regulations that clearly discriminate against Catholics and all Christians, as well as people of any faith who believe in the sanctity of innocent human life. This has clearly become a human rights case — and is no longer just a partisan political football.”

Priests for Life has retained noted civil rights attorney Charles LiMandri of San Diego to represent them in their lawsuit against Obama. LiMandri achieved national distinction by saving the famous “Mt. Soledad Cross” — a historic war memorial that had been erected on public property many decades ago, which local atheists sought to have torn down. He has also fought for the rights of San Diego firefighters who were forced to participate in a vulgar “gay pride” parade against their will or else face termination. He was also the General Counsel for the National Organization for Marriage — California during the successful Proposition 8 Campaign to save traditional marriage.

LiMandri remarks, “This is the first time in history any administration has used brute force to compel someone to violate his conscience or moral convictions. It’s unheard of. It’s also antithetical to the core American principles of religious liberty and freedom from invasions of privacy. We intend to fight the ill-conceived HHS edict and challenge it on constitutional grounds. This case could go all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. And we’ll be happy to take it there if need be.”

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One Comment

  1. Instead of having to face a Republican controled Congress which Obama has avoided since November of last year’s elected conservatives were sworn in January, and usurp the Constitution that would also get him into big trouble with this Republican Congress, Obama is over riding his Executive Branch powers by telling his czar’s holding position over all these Dept.’s that they have the authority to make law powers within the Dept.. Obama has given more power to all these than he has the authority to give them.

    See, the reason why Congress isn’t responding is because no one has ever done this before and I really don’t think they know exactly what they can do about it. What Obama is doing has never been done before. And part of the problem is the separation of powers where each branch cannot dictate what the other branches can do or have to do. Congress can’t really tell Obama that he is violating the Constitution and to stop. He’s supposed to already know that and know his limits. Obama is taking advantage of this separation, but he does know where that fine line is. Where he knows the Congress can stop him, he just gives power he was going to take for himself and gives it to whichever Dept. he wants to do what he wants done.

    In the case of HHS he gave them the power to force Christian groups and churches to provide birth control and abortion. They came back and they told them NO, but since that backfired all Obama had to do was side step the violation of the Constitution and taking our rights and freedoms away charges and shift the burden of providing birth control and abortion to the insurance companies the Christian groups and churchs carry.

    But isn’t that the same thing but through the back door? If the insurance company you were looking at covering your health needs had as part of its policy the providing of birth control and abortion to it’s female policy holders? Isn’t that what Obama is demanding under this bogus regulation forced upon insurance companies in the name of women’s rights? Isn’t this still government authorized murder, taxpayer funded abortion through a rerouting of where we spend our money. I believe it is.

    In other words Obama was not stopped at all. He just shifted out of the way and did what he wanted to do anyway. Obama must be removed from office right now before he can take anymore of our rights, freedoms, and liberties away from us. Obama must be removed from office before the next election because he needed to have been removed from office long before now anyway for being an illegal candidate for President. He couldn’t pass the FBI background search, he refused to turn over his documents, he refused to turn over to the FBI that Black Berry he has on him all the time, and he doesn’t have a legal Social Security number because he is not a legal American citizen. Is there any worse senario to have elected this Marxist dictator?

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