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Politics, Diversity and a Major Screw-Up At The Oscars!!!


There was plenty of politics and diversity to go around on Sunday night’s Oscars. Last year the award show was deemed racist and too white by many minorities so this year they had plenty of black and minority presenters.

Jimmy Kimmel hosted the show and kidded that he would screw-up, but I thought he did Ok and much better than the major screw-up of all time Oscar history David Letterman. Jimmy opened the show by saying,” Welcome to the Oscars where over 220 countries now hate us.” He also took another swipe at Trump saying “You can bet Trump will be tweeting about this when he’s on the toilet at 5 a.m.in the morning” which It thought was uncalled for.  Actually Jimmy kidded Meryl Streep and Matt Damon more than Trump calling Meryl overrated and uninspiring referring to Trump’s tweet about her after she attacked him at the Grammy’s. These people truly live in a big, liberal bubble that is truly la la land just like the title of the picture nominated. Their reality is different from our reality.

Later in the broadcast, the Academy Award for best foreign language film went to “The Salesman,” directed by Iranian filmmaker Asghar Farhadi. However, Farhadi was not there to accept the award, as he boycotted the ceremony to protest Trump’s controversial executive order that barred residents from seven Muslim-majority nations from entering the United States.

The audience at the 2017 Academy Awards heartily applauded as a statement from Iranian filmmaker Asghar Farhadi, who boycotted the ceremony, was read that ridiculed President Trump’s “inhumane” immigration executive order.

Farhardi, the director of  The Salesman, said he was skipping this year’s Oscars “out of respect for the people of my country and those of six nations whom have been disrespected by the inhumane law that bans entry of immigrants to the U.S.”

The comment drew hearty applause from the gathered Hollywood glitterati. Here’s his statement in full: “It’s a great honor to be receiving this valuable award for the second time. I would like to thank the members of the academy, my crew in Iran, my producer, Amazon and my fellow nominees. I’m sorry I’m not with you tonight. My absence is out of respect for the people of my country and those of other six nations whom have been disrespected by the inhuman law that bans entry of immigrants to the U.S. Dividing the world — thank you. Dividing the world into the  us and our enemies categories creates fear. A  deceitful   justification for aggression and war.  These wars prevent democracy and human rights in countries which have themselves been victims of aggression. Filmmakers can turn their cameras to capture shared human qualities and break stereotypes of various nationalities and religions. They create empathy between us and others. An empathy which we need today more than ever. Thank you on behalf of Mr. Farhadi.

And everyone applauded and is so inspired by Iran – the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism. Mr. Farhadi has a lot of damn gall to lecture us about what is inhumane. Why doesn’t he lecture his own country where homosexuals are killed and women are treated like cattle and kept covered up and Christians and Jews are  persecuted. Yes. Mr. Farhadi’s outrage would be better focused on his own country’s atrocities. They applaud for Iran, a country that executes homosexuals. I wonder how long a Jew would last in Iran before he/she was beheaded?  If you have a green card, you are still allowed in here from there. There’s a temporary delay for all others so Mr. Farhadi could have still come in if he applied for a green card or temporary visa. Rousing Ovation for Iranian Filmmaker…

Before presenting the Oscar for best animated feature, presenter and actor Gael García Bernal, who is from Mexico, spoke against Trump’s proposed border wall “as a Mexican, as a Latin American, as a migrant worker, as a human being.I am against any form of wall that wants to separate us,” García Bernal said. ACTOR: DON’T BUILD WALLS…

These people all applaud immigrants, but how many of them will take them into live with them. What if scores of them were sent to Malibu and Hollywood, would they still accept them or protest. These America-hating leftist traitors are increasingly out of touch with everyday people and do live in a bubble of fantasy in their own mind that is separate from reality.

The presenter of best supporting actress said they should call it best opposition because women oppose without hate. I suggest he look at the recent women’s march in Washington where people like Madonna called for blowing up the white house and the hateful rhetoric of Ashley Judd and others and the hateful signs they carried.

The biggest snafu of the night came at the very end for best picture announcement. Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway were to give the presentation. They were selected because of 50 years since their film Bonnie and Clyde. Oscar  winners Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway wrongly announced La La Land as the winner of Best Picture, rather than the triumphant Moonlight. In a heart-stopping moment, the stars and producers of La La Land were stopped midway through their acceptance speeches and forced to hand their trophies to the stars of Moonlight. Fake Oscar Fiasco: Beatty and Dunaway WRONGLY Name La La Land Best Picture in Greatest Flub in History [VIDEO]

The blame for the Best Picture Oscar snafu has finally been owned: Price/waterhouse/Coopers, the London-based accounting and “professional services” firm that has handled the Academy Awards winners for years, admitted Sunday night that they messed up. Beatty was handed the wrong envelope. Price/waterhouse/Coopers’ statement, sent to Mashable later Sunday night, reads:

We sincerely apologize to “Moonlight,” “La La Land,” Warren Beatty, Faye Dunaway, and Oscar® viewers for the error that was made during the award announcement for Best Picture. The presenters had mistakenly  been given the wrong category envelope and when discovered, was immediately corrected. We are currently investigating how this could have happened, and deeply regret that this occurred. We appreciate the grace with which the nominees, the Academy, ABC, and Jimmy Kimmel handled the situation.

The key here: There are always two identical winners’ envelopes, kept by PwC officials standing on opposite ends of the stage.

Somehow, Beatty — presenting Best Picture with Dunaway — had been given the envelope for Best Actress, which had already been announced as La La Land‘s Emma Stone moments before. On the other side of the stage, Beatty got handed an identical envelope.

He looked over the card two times, then a third. He clearly wasn’t sure — it didn’t make sense that his envelope said “Emma Stone.” And so he showed it to his fellow presenter, Dunaway, who saw the words La La Land. As Emma and other cast members came up to accept their award and started giving speeches, another person suddenly burst on the stage saying hat is in correct and this is no joke. He then announced that Moonlight had won. Jimmy Kimmel tried to be magnanimous and said he knew he would screw up and tried to take the blame even though it was not his fault. Now we know: The Best Picture Oscar debacle was the accountants’ fault – AOL E

And these are the people who tell America how stupid they were for electingTrump.LOL

As one commenter said: Since these are the people who spent the last eight years drooling over President PopStar MESSiah, it’s surprising that they didn’t blame it on a racist sexist George Bush YouTube video hacked by the Russians and re-tweeted by Donald Trump.

Another said: IF Hollywood spent less time protesting Trump and more time running their OWN business…things like this wouldn’t happen! LMAO

Maybe it was Karma after Trump got pummeled with Jokes. This was also the lowest rated Oscar show in history being almost four hours long.

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Jim Clayton

I am a retired former newspaper reporter and retail sales person. I'm a politically conservative easy going person from New Jersey. I am married to a wonderful wife and like talking and writing about movies,, concerts I attend and current events all which I write about here. I would enjoy hearing from anyone on my articles and they can write to me here.

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