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Ted Cruz Predicts Another Supreme Court Seat to Open Up – Then What?

Senator Ted Cruz told a crowd at the 2017 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Thursday that there could be another Supreme Court vacancy as early as this summer and if it happens … Armageddon.

“I think we’ll have another Supreme Court vacancy this summer,” Cruz said at CPAC. “If that happens, as much as the left is crazy now, they will go full Armageddon meltdown because the next vacancy is where we’ll have the ability to act and restore basic constitution protections.”

The comment came during a live sit-down interview with conservative radio show host Mark Levin.

The senator’s comments are fueling optimism on the right and desperation on the left as conservatives imagine a Supreme Court with a 5 seat conservative majority – admitting Chief Justice Roberts is more moderate than conservative.

Associate Justices Alito, Kennedy and Thomas make up court’s current right-leaning justices. Once Judge Gorsuch is confirmed that would make four conservative members of the court. If another seat opens up this summer, a guaranteed majority conservative voting block of justices could return the court to using the constitution as the basis for its decisions.

So what would it take to open up that seat that Sen. Cruz mentioned?

In a BBC interview, liberal Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg answered a question on how much longer she might stay on the bench.

Justice Ginsburg has been on the Supreme Court since 1993 and – at 83 years-old – is the oldest serving member.

Asked how much longer she would stay in post, she said: “At my age you have to take it year by year. I know I’m OK. What will be next year?”

If a seat doesn’t open this year, the 2018 mid-term elections could become crucial to getting a conservative confirmed at a later date. Conservative Americans cannot lay back after the 2016 result. Progressives will fight twice as hard, scream twice as loud and get twice as nasty as they have so far. They are unhinged, uninformed and intolerant.

To make sure the constitution sits center to the judicial branch, conservatives will have to visit democrats’ town halls to respectfully voice dissent, peacefully – but visibly – protest and vociferously debate the lies and propaganda from the well-funded progressive far-left extremists.

Will it be enough? Will a seat open up on the court as Ted Cruz predicted?

Who knows what the future holds, but as Justice Ginsburg said, “you have to take it year by year.”

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. Even Cruz can ‘what if’ based on actual knowledge or maybe’s. The upcoming elections are FACT and rather than trying to determine the unknown it would be time well spent on working to make sure ‘our’ choices make it to Congress….remember “Make hay while the sun shines” and “Strike while the iron is hot”….Trump is blazing the trail, but it is up to those like you and I to make certain that liberal limbs don’t drop in and block the road.

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