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Use of Anonymous Sources Will Kill the Mainstream Media

The New York Times and Washington Post continually cite anonymous sources when going after the President and his cabinet – a move that will ultimately lead to their demise.

During the Mike Flynn non-scandal over his forgetting what he may or may not have discussed with somebody in Russia, the Washington Post cited NINE anonymous sources saying that he did mention the word sanctions in some conversation with a person or persons in Russia.

The FBI says that upon reviewing the transcripts of that or those conversations, Kelly did nothing illegal.

If the conversation was simply Kelly answering the Russian ambassador’s concern on Obama’s midnight sanctions by saying that he understands Russia’s concerns and he would appreciate it if they wouldn’t overreact, that would have been perfectly legal and well within his purvue as the incoming National Security Advisor.

This whole dust-up is going to end up being a political assassination by the left of an otherwise honorable and great man. Democrats need demons to polarize, freeze and destroy – that’s all the modern democratic party knows how to do.

The media’s use of anonymous sources gives ZERO credibility to their reports. If those journalists are unable to get anyone on the record then the statements made in those articles are no better than made up.

Certainly, the use of some anonymous sources is warranted and, in some cases, needed to acquire information. Woodward and Bernstein had “Deep Throat” but that does not preclude the reporter from independently verifying the information AND looking for the other side of the story.

Any journalist that would run an article without a single non-anonymous source, lazy independent verification and zero information from the other side is basically admitting that they were unable to confirm anything – or never had the intent to do so.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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