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WATCH: Milo At UC – Colorado Springs: Why The Dems Lost The White Working Class

I spend the majority of my time chasing the White House Press Office, Press Secretary, POTUS and legislation so I was caught off-guard when Milo Yiannopoulos appeared on the news front because of the protests at U.C. Berkeley so I spent my Thursday evening watching one of Milo’s performances and now wish more Colleges would allow him to share his message.

Milo makes sure you know he’s gay, that’s fine – I don’t care who you marry/partner with as long as you don’t force me to be involved if I don’t want to.

Milo is funny, smart and correct. He nails the reasons that Trump won and Hillary lost with amazing accuracy. Sometimes it’s funny and other times it’s a stark reminder of the country we live in and the strange alternate reality that the left tries to impress upon middle-America.

I found Milo to be channeling Eddie Izzard in style if not form and it was equally as entertaining and almost as funny.

I didn’t hear the white supremacist and misogynist tones the old guard media, Berkeley’s mayor and others promised would promulgate his speeches. The female hero thing wasn’t awesome, but it wasn’t the anti-woman message the left would have one believe.

The only thing I found Milo to be against was …. progressivism – and he was effective.

Spend the time to watch the whole thing and think about it. Comment only if you’ve watched it all and have informative positive or negative commentary.

I don’t care if you liked Milo or hated him, I just want your comments below to be informed, not simply inflammatory.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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