President Trump’s Schedule for Friday, March 10th, 2017
President Donald Trump will start his Friday with the presidential daily briefing from the intelligence community.
The president will deliver his weekly address live from the White House. You can watch the live stream and/or recording HERE.
The middle of the president’s day will include a discussion on health care with House Committee Chairmen, a phone call with the President of the Palestinian Authority and lunch with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.
The final item on President Trump’s schedule is an afternoon meeting with HUD Secretary Ben Carson.
No travel is mentioned in his official schedule so it is expected that the president will be spending the weekend in the White House.
President Trump’s Schedule for Friday, 3-10-17
- 10:00 AM Receive daily intelligence briefing – Oval Office
- 11:00 AM Deliver the President’s Weekly Address Live [Live Stream]
- 11:30 AM Lead health care discussion with key House Committee Chairmen – Roosevelt Room
- 12:15 PM Speak with President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority by telephone – Oval Office
- 12:45 PM Lunch with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson – Presidential Dining Room
- 3:30 PM Meet with Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson – Oval Office