SHOWDOWN: U.S. Attorney Defies Sessions’ Demand to Resign – UPDATE: FIRED!

Manhattan federal prosecutor Preet Bharara flouted Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ demand that he and 45 other U.S. attorneys hand in their resignations.

Mr. Bharara, whose office is overseeing a case against a top aide to Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo and an investigation into people close to Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York City, has told several people that he did not hand in a resignation on Friday, as he was ordered to do.

Bharara, an Obama-appointed holdover, had also told associates that he had no plans to tender his resignation over the weekend which could force Sessions into the difficult position of firing him or stepping back from his earlier demand.

Preet is a well-known prosecutor who has successfully gone after corrupt, high-profile government officials from both parties. The New York attorney was also given assurances in November from then President-elect Trump that he would be able to keep his position.

Bharara said that then president-elect Trump had asked to see him to discuss “whether or not I’d be prepared to stay on as the United States attorney to do the work as we have done it, independently, without fear or favor for the last seven years.” “We had a good meeting,” Mr. Bharara said. “I said I would absolutely consider staying on. I agreed to stay on.”

It would appear that Mr. Bharara is dared the Trump administration to fire him and leaft them no choice but to do so.

UPDATE: Preet Bharara has tweeted that he has been fired.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. Resignation is a ‘gentleman’s way out’…apparently Bharara doesn’t consider himself qualified to use it.
    IF, IF he was told by the President that he should stay on the job….where is his ‘evidence’ or why wasn’t Sessions made aware of this? hmmmm perhaps we need yet another ‘independent’ investigation to further detract from the real business at hand….getting ALL of Trumps cabinet seats and posts filled. Oops, forgot those DemocRATS are slow walking that and anything else this Administration tries to accomplishments and they still have the PAST, EX president whispering in their ear…”don’t let them find our sins and crimes, or we all go to jail…at least you do…..

    Lawdy, lawdy, let me wake up from this nightmare!!!

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