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White House: ‘Light Years of Difference’ Between Hillary’s and Pence’s Emails

The media is trying desperately to liken vice president Mike Pence’s use of a private email address to Hillary’s use of a private email server and the White House is pushing back.

Then Governor Pence used an AOL address along with his state government email address to conduct state business which is completely legal under Indiana law. The governor also turned over 100% of the emails in his AOL account to an independent third party to determine what was official business for archival purposes.

Pence spokesman Marc Lotter said in a statement: “Similar to previous governors, during his time as governor of Indiana, Mike Pence maintained a state email account and a personal email.”

When White House deputy press secretary Sarah Sanders was asked on Friday how Pence’s use of a private email address was different than Hillary’s use of a private email server she said:

There’s light years of difference. Number one, he was a governor, he wasnt a federal employee, which means the laws are different. It’s subject to Indiana law not federal law.

Second, he was a governor which means he wasnt handling classified info like she was, and third all of his emails he turned over specifically to be archived, which is why anybody even knows about the account.

He did everything to the letter of the law in Indiana, turned all of his emails over, unlike Hillary Clinton who lost at least 30,000, who knows how many more, had a private server, classified information which he didnt have. Thats apples to oranges comparison.

Hillary’s server ran foul of State Department policy at a minimum and may have violated federal statutes surrounding the handling of classified information. Pence’s AOL address was 100% within the law and policies governing such activities.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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