Entertainment, Health and Lifestyle

Mystery Science Theater 3000 is BACK!

Due to popular demand and a Kickstarter campaign started by creator Joel Hodgson and Shou! Factory, the popular 90’s hit featuring Joel and his robot compatriots is returning.

Mystery Science Theater, which began in 1988 as a local broadcast, set Hodgson and his robot buddies Tom Servo, Crow T. Robot, and Gypsy on the Sattelite of Love imprisoned by a mad scientist who forces them to watch bad science fiction, horror and thriller movies ad nauseam which they mercilessly riff upon.

The series ran for 11 years and built a massive, loyal fan base while winning a Peabody Award and hauling in two Emmy nominations.

The series makes it’s return with 14 episodes airing April 14th.

Hanna Heller

Hanna is the entertainment and lifestyle editor for CDN. Fan of great movies, legendary music, outdoor activities and cool stuff in general, her opinions, as expressed in her articles, are her own and not necessarily shared by anyone .. anywhere .. ever.Follow Hanna on Twitter: @Hanna_CDN

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