Trending Commentary
Where Are the Moderate Muslims?
After every terrorist attack, politicians and pundits reassure us that the atrocity does not represent the true beliefs of the “moderate Muslim majority.” But how many moderates are there? And what exactly does “moderate” mean? Military instructor and researcher Hussein Aboubakr explains.
This past year I’ve been called racist, deplorable and the ‘biggie’ Islamaphobic.. HEY! Guess what ! I’m none of them….I am a pragmatic American with a rational brain that is quite capable of understanding what my 14th Amendment requires to even be an American….that of being loyal to ONLY the United States and the laws of ‘this’ country….Although in June 2014 Obama made the ‘oath of allegiance optional, it does not negate the laws…and breaking them is a CRIME with consequences. Sharia Law is in no way compatible with the laws of a nation founded on Christian principals ….Trying to meld them is as useless, but more deadly than trying to float a lead balloon in the lake…..The time of political correctness (cowering in a corner) has passed. The ‘Timid Timmies” in DC need to trash their spagatti spines and act like REAL Americans caring for their Constitution, Country and Citizens.
Prager is a good source, Rich, thanks