Andrea Mitchell Attacks Mitt Romney for Making Collections for Sandy Victims

MSNBC host, Andrea Mitchell, attacked Mitt Romney for making collections to help the victims effected by Hurricane Sandy.

“And then you have the image of Mitt Romney, doing what they say is not a campaign event, in the same space they were going to hold a campaign event,” says Mitchell. “They say they are making collections for hurricane and storm relief. Chris Cillizza, first to you: We checked with the Red Cross, the Red Cross said, well, they are always grateful for donations, but this is not what they need or want. That they always tell people, please donate money, because we have our own packagers, wholesalers. They have their own distribution system. And to now get these canned goods from the Romney event in Ohio, and have to first package it–used clothes, they have to clean, they can’t go directly to victims. So, what they need are donations of blood and donations of money. It does seem like a thinly veiled–why Ohio? Why choose Ohio?”

“Right,” responds Cillizza, “because the storm is kind of there” in Ohio, while Mitchell interjects simultaneously, “not in Ohio.”

Per the Toledo Blaze, “High winds spinning off the edge of superstorm Sandy took a vicious swipe at northeast Ohio early Tuesday, uprooting trees, cutting power to hundreds of thousands, closing schools and flooding parts of major commuter arteries that run along Lake Erie.

“At least 250,000 homes and businesses in Ohio — the majority in the Cleveland area — were still without power by early afternoon. Scattered outages reached down into central and eastern Ohio, with some in the southern part of the state. Utilities said it could be days before it’s fully restored.”

Chris Enloe

I am a 16 year old Conservative based in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. I am currently a senior at North Davidson Senior High School. You can follow me on Twitter @chrisenloe.

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One Comment

  1. One would expect this from her as this is not the first time she’s flown in from the fringe to endorse the administration & network…They are her employer & this is her job…What I cannot understand is how she & ilk have no shame in making public their ignorance. Your local Red Cross Units (each) have monies in their accounts. When a National disaster occurs these ‘local’ units deploy personnel and/or monies to a central fund. This lessens the money available to provide food, shelter, clothing etc needed by fire or other tragic effected individuals in their own home town. These ‘material’ contributions help fill the gap. So while a financial donation may be perferred, they will never refuse or belittle the caring of anyone donating.They know these donations come from the heart& not a need for publicity.
    By contrast, on FOX w/ Megan Kelly, Obama droned on & on, repeating himself times over all dresssed up & following Rahm Emanuel’s clue about not ‘letting an emergency go to waste’ attempted to instill a ‘presidential appearance” Let’s remember ‘dem dar looks are just skin deep’

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