Conservative Coup Continues: Fox News Top exec out!

The tumult in the conservative information sphere continues as Fox News forces the resignation of co-president Bill Shine.

Bill O’Reilly gone. Roger Ailes .. gone. Jim DeMint being kicked out of the Heritage Foundation .. yup! Who or what is affecting the transformations of right-leaning institutions?

Bill Shine, who has worked at Fox for two decades, resigned Monday likely under pressure.

The former head of Fox, Rupert Murdoch, sent an internal memo.  “Sadly, Bill Shine resigned today,” Murdoch’s memo said. “I know Bill was respected and liked by everybody at Fox News. We will all miss him.”

Rupert no longer runs Fox as his liberal-leaning sons James and Lachlan have taken the helm and apparently begun a purge.

First, Fox rid themselves of Roger Ailes, then in April, Fox released Bill O’Rielly who was the network’s top-rated talker and now Bill Shine has been pushed out. Lately, there have been accusations against Sean Hannity and Jessie Watters hoping to push the most conservative elements of the network away.

Fox News isn’t the only right-leaning outfit to suddenly find themselves under attack. Something leftward seems afoot at the Heritage Foundation.

Heritage is a conservative think tank that researches and publicizes information that advances the conservative agenda. The sudden push to kick Jim DeMint out is oddly coincidental with the Fox removals.

Some have posited that Steve Bannon is being positioned to head Heritage which would likely transform the organization from an ideological think tank to a populist megaphone. Something of which any true conservative should be wary.

How far will the conservative purge go? If it continues as it is, a vacuum will be created that something else will fill. The concern for constitutionalists should be – what will fill the void?

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. More Alternative media is needed. This is a take no prisoners fight for the hearts, minds, and souls of the American people and their republic.

  2. Stopped Fox in 2008, but still watch Fox Business once in awhile. Liberal sons and their Ultra-liberal wives haven’t affect the Business channel, at least yet. One America News is very good, but not available everywhere. Fake news, unfortunately, IS available everywhere. Hard to find reliable, trustworthy sources on screen, but a number of sources exist on the internet (like CDN!)

    1. Thanks MeYou. We are starting conversations with some outlets to see if there is a grassroots way to fill the vacuum Fox is creating. We’ll post updates as things progress.

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