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Hannity: News on Seth Rich and Sean’s Future at Fox – Update: Nothing Burger

Sean Hannity

Update: We hoped we would get more than publicly available information from Sean, but we did not. Don’t bother watching re-airs or reading the rest of the article. This was nothing more than a ratings play by Mr. Hannity. This was the worst “huge announcement” since Maddow’s tax return BS!

Sean Hannity posted to Twitter Tuesday that his show that night will have “Huge” announcements on murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich and Sean’s future at Fox News.

“Huge announcement tonight about Seth Rich, Trump/Russian Collusion corrupt media, the liberal effort to silence me,” Hannity tweeted. “And my future at Fox!”

Sean Hannity Seth Rich and Fox announcement

What New Information Does Sean Hannity Have on Seth Rich?

Update: None. Tuesday night’s show was a mess. Filled with already know info and no new insight.

The Seth Rich announcement would have to be more than the Kim Dotcom statement that fell flat earlier Tuesday. Kim relayed information already publicly known while saying that everything else is available for Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Mueller is leading the Department of Justice’s criminal probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Seth Rich is one possible source for tens of thousands of DNC emails that were released by WikiLeaks just days after his death. Mr. Dotcom has made statements alleging that he knew Seth and that Seth was indeed the leaker.

The story is fascinating. If Seth is found to be the source for the WikiLeaks dump, the Democratic party’s whole “Russian” narrative falls apart. A new investigation will result if it appears that Rich was killed for what he did and what he knew. That’s why it’s critical to get information into the public arena. Once it disappears into the hands of the Mueller, it may never see the light of day. Mueller could offer immunity to Dotcom in exchange for his silence – and that seems to be Kim’s goal. Since going public with his Seth Rich angle, he’s only been rehashing the U.S. case against him and talking little about Rich.

As anticipation built for the Kim Dotcom statement, so it will build for Hannity’s announcement and crescendo somewhere in Sean’s 10 pm Fox News appearance. Will it actually be a huge announcement in the case or a re-hash of what we already know?

Is Hannity Leaving Fox News?

Nope. Another over-the-top statement meant to get ratings. He’s not going anywhere – just bitched about liberal media attacking him.

The other half of Hannity’s “huge announcement” is some sort of scoop on his “future at Fox.” Are the Murdoch boys driving out the last superstar from the early days of the network? Sean’s contract has a clause in it that was triggered when Roger Ailes was forced out. He can leave at any time for any reason with no repercussions.

Perhaps the Murdochs just asked Sean to back off on the Seth Rich story – something Sean is unlikely to do. Pushing him to change his content would likely be a step too far for the controversial show host.

There is reason to believe that Fox is walling itself off from the Seth-Wikileaks story. Earlier Tuesday, Fox News retracted the story that reignited interest in Seth’s murder and the origin of the emails that demonstrated DNC collusion in the downing of Bernie Sanders.

On May 16, a story was posted on the Fox News website on the investigation into the 2016 murder of DNC Staffer Seth Rich. The article was not initially subjected to the high degree of editorial scrutiny we require for all our reporting. Upon appropriate review, the article was found not to meet those standards and has since been removed.

We will continue to investigate this story and will provide updates as warranted.

Sean Fired back at those demanding he cease and desist on Seth Rich after Fox News pulled their story.

“All you in the liberal media, I am not or, I retracted nothing,” Hannity said on his radio show Tuesday afternoon. “If in fact, take Seth out of it, there was a whistleblower within the DNC, a truth-teller that actually was the source for WikiLeaks, and not Russia working with the Trump campaign, these are questions that I have a moral obligation to ask and I will do the mainstream media’s job like I have most of my career.”

Update: Sean Tweeted out a list of his guests for the show Tuesday night and Kim Dotcom isn’t on it. While Kim can’t be there because he is detained, one would expect that he would be listed if he was going to call-in or otherwise join the show.

10 pm could be highly intriguing or a nothing burger. Who’s hungry?

Update: yeah.. nothing burger. No new information, nothing useful. It was exactly like Kim Dotcom’s statement – a complete disappointment. The show was not as billed and CDN personally apologizes to our readers if you tuned in and felt you wasted an hour.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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