Gays for Trump Banned from Charlotte LGBT Pride Parade

The new totalitarian left and the galaxy of identity groups that it encompasses are exhibiting an increasing degree of intolerance to any who they do not agree with or who is not exactly like them.

The backlash against the election of President Trump after Barack Obama’s radical reign has resulted in self-segregation, tribalism, and hostility.

A Black Lives Matter came under some fire for holding a no-whites allowed celebration on Memorial Day and similar events are regularly occurring on the nation’s college campuses as safe spaces are rapidly being transformed into exclusionary zones and everyone else is the enemy.

Now a pro-Trump LGBT group has been banned by organizers of a Gay Pride parade in Charlotte, NC.

According to Charlotte’s Fox News affiliate Fox46 “Gay Trump supporters denied entry into Charlotte Pride Parade”:

A group says ‘Charlotte Pride’ is pushing them out of the Gay Pride Parade because they support President Trump.

“I’m very proud of my country, proud of my president, and was once proud of my community,” said Brian Talbert, who said he’s proud to be gay and proud to be a Trump supporter.

His truck has a Trump-Pence bumper sticker and ‘Not a liberal’ sign on the back window.

“I’m very proud of my vote. I don’t regret my vote. I will vote for Donald Trump again. I’m proud of my president. I don’t think I should be vilified because I’m proud of a U.S. president as an American.”

Talbert said he and a fellow gay Trump supporter sent in an application to Charlotte Pride so they could have a float in this year’s Charlotte Pride Parade.

“It was going to be fun. We wanted to be energetic. We wanted to show that we weren’t the racist, bigot, misogynistic…We wanted to show that we are Americans, love our country and our president. We wanted to be there to celebrate gay pride. Everything fell into place except being able to celebrate who I am,” he said.

Talbert said Charlotte Pride sent him an email denying his application for a float.

“For a group of people to claim to want tolerance, acceptance, and give it to every single person you can imagine to give it to, for them to sit back and judge me for exercising my right as an American to choose my leader without judgment is hypocritical,” Talbert said.

One would think that the last group that would be so judgmental would be gay folks but it’s a whole new world out there now that Trump Derangement Syndrome has reached pandemic stages.

Mr. Talbert indicated that he intents to sue Charlotte Pride over their discrimination.

Donn Marten

Donn Marten is a fearless truth teller who calls it like he sees it despite the prevailing establishment narrative. The opinions expressed belong solely to this author and not do not necessarily reflect those of CDN itself.

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