Houston Astros Don’t Miss a Beat, Clobber Twins After All-Star Break

The Houston Astros picked up right where they left off prior to the MLB All-Star Break.

Last Sunday, the Astros destroyed the Toronto Blue Jays by a 19-1 score and an American League leading 60 wins.

On Friday, in their first game back from the four-day break, they ran their total to 61 by clobbering the hapless Minnesota Twins by a score of 10-5.

The Astros all but put the game away early by scoring eight runs in the second inning and not looking back.

Houston’s offense is kicking ass and taking names and the team has opened up a whopping 16 and ½ game lead over the Texas Rangers in the A.L. West.

While it’s only July, it would take a collapse of epic proportions for the Astros to lose the division and fail to make the playoffs.

Not even the Atlanta Falcons could blow this.

Donn Marten

Donn Marten is a fearless truth teller who calls it like he sees it despite the prevailing establishment narrative. The opinions expressed belong solely to this author and not do not necessarily reflect those of CDN itself.

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