Editorial Cartoons
Grave Indifference – A.F. Branco Cartoon
Democrats seem to care more about taking down confederate statues than slowing down the murder rate in Chicago. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2017
Democrats seem to care more about taking down confederate statues than slowing down the murder rate in Chicago. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2017
Whew! What a relief! Those statues really were killing people. Guess this make more room for the ILLEGALS and their guns….Streets much safer…..NOT
Democrats supported the Confederacy, created the KU KlUX KLAN, removed the freedoms of the Black man that Abraham Lincoln fought for, and over 600,000 lives were sacrificed to establish. Propaganda is their tool of choice to make those who choose to be ignorant, sheeple to accomplish their overcoming of being butt-sore over losing the election, that the people of sense wanted in the WHITE HOUSE.