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Avella: Early voting the rallying cry for Republicans now

The chairman of a Republican political action committee (PAC) said Saturday that early voting is a critical strategy to keep the House and increase conservative strength in the Senate.

“We need to take advantage of this momentum,” GOPAC Chair David Avella told Fox News. “Most states allow early voting, and every campaign that is smart is going to have a good early vote strategy [to] capture the enthusiasm that this hearing has caused for Republican voters.”

“This is the first year that early voting could favor Republicans,” Avella said. “The base is so fired up!”

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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