Money & The Economy

7 Easy Employee Engagement Tips to Transform Your Business

Deep down your employees want to do much more than you may think. Do you view them as a difficult bunch that will never live up to your expectations? Or perhaps you know there’s more to them but you’re not sure how to activate that potential.

For both these groups, I have one message: Their performance levels are mostly up to you. Do you have the courage to shoulder the responsibility and change how they operate?

Let’s Define the Goal

You may think you simply want your people to work harder, but that’s not the right goal to have. What you want is higher engagement.

When people are engaged you get everything you want:

  • They’ll help solve problems instead of complaining about them

  • Enthusiasm fuels their activities so they get more done faster

  • Their commitment drives them to give an extra hour or shoulder responsibility when you need someone to rely on

  • These colleagues willingly support each other and create a positive working environment

  • Because they see purpose in what they do – that’s why they engage with their tasks – they always give their best

  • Engaged employees won’t easily switch jobs because they may not feel as engaged in a new environment

This is what you want and below we’ll show you how to spark it in your employees.

How to Improve Engagement

The Social Side

Why do you think Facebook is so popular? Our society is in need of social engagement and this doesn’t disappear when an employee walks through your office doors in the morning.

The slightest effort in this regard from your side will boost office morale so your team will feel more motivated to come to work. And here’s what you can do:

  • Organize team building days to initiate socializing and building trust

  • Create events for socializing such as themed gatherings that relate to specific holidays

  • Allow time for socializing on site during each week to maintain relationships

Because the office will become a less clinical space, workers will engage more with what’s happening around them.

Start at the Top

I can’t stress enough how your team’s engagement relates to your own actions. Most workers are willing to give it their all but they will only make sacrifices for the leaders that showcase similar attitudes.

Get ready to have a stern chat with your leadership group and make sure they live by these guidelines:

  • Are they engaged too as an example to young employees who need guidance? Employees will learn more from how you act than what you say.

  • Are they approachable and available to employees who need to talk to them? It’s difficult to engage with an office, but when employees feel personal connections with individuals (leaders) they’re automatically engaged more.

  • Do leaders visibly work to benefit the company? If workers think management isn’t doing their part, why should they?

Do the Employees Know Where You’re Headed?

As mentioned, employees find value in having a purpose. But do they even know what the purpose of your company is?

Change their perspective from working for a paycheck to working towards reaching a common goal. This is a stronger motivation and keeps people on track even when things get rough.

They may experience a huge financial setback in the near future and then no amount of money will seem enough. This turns into negativity towards the company. But if they harbor a passion for the business, exterior factors won’t affect their loyalty or work ethic.

What Type of Employees Do You Hire?

You’ll see more successful engagement if you consider engagement during interviews. If the person in front of you shows signs of only focusing on him or herself, chances are you’ll work with that attitude every day.

Yes, each employee is allowed to have personal goals and invest in their career paths. But you want team players under your office roof.

It will also be very difficult to sway a self-centered mindset such as this. When you adjust your interview process and hiring requirements you benefit your long-term plans & your office environment.

Get Personal

Not everyone’s the same and your employees need to know you understand each person is unique. Spending time with individuals can enhance your relationship with them and also motivate them to sacrifice more for reaching your goals.

This motion goes beyond organizing a social gathering. It calls for one on one time between management and employees:

  • Find out if they have personal projects they would like to try in your infrastructure? Allow them to pursue this—on a limited basis of course—and they’ll feel more connected with your business. Expert management systems such as ones provided by Advance Systems Inc will help you track their working hours so no one abuses this privilege.

  • Perhaps they have unique opinions and solutions for company challenges. This benefits you and experiencing your respect makes them more loyal to your business.

  • What is each person’s preferred work method? Aptitude and personality tests will give you insight on how to get the most from each. Some people love micromanagement and others will do better when left alone at times.

Is Your Business Part of the Community?

People want to be proud of the places they work at but does your company do anything they can brag about?

Taking part in charitable events or challenging workers to volunteer on behalf of the company shows your interest in your community. People’s natural desire to find purpose in life makes this a powerful method of gaining their allegiance and loyalty.

What Does the Office Look Like?

Change your clinical space into a hub of excitement and energy:

  • Put photographs of employees on the wall to show you value them and in turn they’ll take responsibility of their office environment.

  • Put effort into celebrating special days such as birthdays.

  • Place individuals who are natural motivators on each work team so you don’t have to manage morale alone.


Here’s what you need to realize: This won’t be an instant win. You’ll spend a lot of time in cultivating an entirely new culture at work. But you’ll look back in a few months and realize you should have done this long ago.

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