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Leftist Fanatics Cover Thomas Jefferson Statue at University He Helped to Found

The deranged left’s campaign to erase all of American history that offends their overly-sensitive petty minds has now begun the crossover from Confederate statues to other figures deemed to be too offensive to tolerate.

Vandals defaced a New York statue of Christopher Columbus with a substance that looked like blood this week and now Black Lives Matter activists and other militants at the University of Virginia are going after Thomas Jefferson.

On Tuesday, a group of rabble rousers shrouded a statue of one of the nation’s Founding Fathers who helped write the Declaration of Independence and served as the third President of the United States and then issued a list of demands to the university.

The Richmond Times-Dispatch is reporting “Charlottesville protesters shroud Jefferson statue at UVA’s Rotunda, decry school’s response to rallies”:

One month after white nationalists stormed the Rotunda at the University of Virginia, bearing tiki torches and chanting, “You will not replace us,” a smaller but equally vocal crowd of protesters took to the Rotunda on Tuesday night, covering a statue of Thomas Jefferson in a black shroud.


With some sporting “Black Lives Matter” signs and many others chanting, the crowd cheered as three protesters climbed the Jefferson statue, adorning it with signs that dubbed the former president a “racist” and “rapist.”

While chanting mantras that have become routine in anti-racist protests, the common chant “No Trump, No KKK no fascist USA” was tweaked, swapping “fascist USA” with “racist U.Va.”

“With every new horror that arises each month, each day, there has been an unparalleled resistance of people who say no to white supremacy, no to fascism, no to all forms of oppression,” said the speaker. “And we recognize and honor the fact that this resistance was not born 10 months ago, but has actually lived for many years: communities of color in Charlottesville fighting for affordable housing, for a living wage, for an end to police brutality and state-sanctioned violence, for education for all.”

The group called on U.Va. to adhere to the Black Student Alliance’s list of demands, formed last month in response to influx of white nationalist non-locals who have used Charlottesville as a rallying point. Published around the time of the Aug. 20 “March to Reclaim Our Grounds,” the list included the demand to “remove the Confederate plaques on the Rotunda” and ban white supremacist hate groups from campus.

The list calls for a balance of U.Va.’s “historical landscape,” and dubs the Jefferson statue “an emblem of white supremacy” that should be “re-contextualized with a plaque to include that history.”

It may be lost on the American Khmer Rouge, but Jefferson was instrumental in founding the University of Virginia and he along with the rest of the founders of this once great country must be rolling over in their graves as the cancer that is the radical left continues to metastasize into something very alien and dangerous to America.

President Trump certainly called this one correctly when he defended the Confederate statues and posed the question of where does it end? The media quickly accused him of being a white supremacist sympathizer and further contributed to the fracturing of race relations in the post-Obama era.

The Confederate monuments were just an appetizer, the Founding Fathers are breakfast and the appetite for destruction of the radicalized left won’t be sated until everything has been burned to the ground in what can only be called a cultural cleansing.

Donn Marten

Donn Marten is a fearless truth teller who calls it like he sees it despite the prevailing establishment narrative. The opinions expressed belong solely to this author and not do not necessarily reflect those of CDN itself.

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