President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Thursday, November 9, 2017

President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will participate in a welcome ceremony with President Xi Jinping of the Peoples Republic of China and Madame Peng Liyuan then the president will hold a restricted bilateral meeting with President Xi, before having an expanded meeting. Following the meetings, the president will attend a business event with President Xi.

In the afternoon, the President will deliver a joint press statement with President Xi and meet with Premier Li Keqiang of the Peoples Republic of China. The president and first lady will then participate in an embassy meet and greet.

In the evening, the president and the first lady will participate in a State Dinner receiving line, followed by a state dinner and cultural performance.

As an interesting note, unlike the usual schedule provided by the White House Press Office, the China itinerary does not include exact locations for each of the events. It is unclear whether this is an oversight, in response to Chinese government request, or a security precaution.

President Trump’s schedule for 11/9/17

  • All times CTZ (UTC + 8) // EST (UTC – 4)
  • 9:20 AM // 8:20 PM The president and first lady participate in a welcome ceremony with President Xi Jinping of the Peoples Republic of China and Madame Peng Liyuan – Beijing, Peoples Republic of China
  • 9:35 AM // 8:35 PM The president participates in a restricted bilateral meeting with President Xi – Beijing, Peoples Republic of China
  • 10:40 AM // 9:40 PM The president participates in an expanded bilateral meeting with President Xi – Beijing, Peoples Republic of China
  • 11:45 AM // 10:45 PM The president participates in a business event with President Xi – Beijing, Peoples Republic of China
  • 12:30 PM // 11:30 PM The president delivers a joint press statement with President Xi [Live Stream]
  • 1:30 PM // 12:30 AM The president meets with Premier Li Keqiang of the Peoples Republic of China
  • 2:20PM// 1:20AM The president and first lady participate in an embassy meet and greet  – Beijing, Peoples Republic of China
  • 5:50 PM // 4:50 AM The president and first lady participate in a State Dinner receiving line – Beijing, Peoples Republic of China
  • 6:20 PM // 5:20 AM The president and first lady attend a state dinner and view a cultural performance – Beijing, Peoples Republic of China

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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