Entertainment, Health and Lifestyle

Crap I saw on Twitter today

As part of the editorial team here at CDN, I pay way too much attention to the stuff people post to Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and all sorts of other social media sites. The good stuff is inserted into articles, suggested as starter material to contributors or given their own showpiece posts. The rest of it .. well, I’ll just leave these here for you. You can thank me later.

First, we get to watch “Hero” – a dog with ser door issues.


Then to India, where a traffic cop has redefined “Traffic Jam”


Here’s what happens when you give Grandma a lightsaber


uhh, Vietnam’s first and only robot … waiter???


Annnd, what collection of internet videos is complete without one featuring cute pets?


Please feel free to tweet, post, email, or whatever this to your favorite people. You know, kinda like when your friend tells you to try something they clearly thought tasted horrible.

Hanna Heller

Hanna is the entertainment and lifestyle editor for CDN. Fan of great movies, legendary music, outdoor activities and cool stuff in general, her opinions, as expressed in her articles, are her own and not necessarily shared by anyone .. anywhere .. ever.Follow Hanna on Twitter: @Hanna_CDN

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