Starting at a young age Tom Stiglich fell in love with cartooning. This lifelong endeavor has landed Stiglich in the most prominent papers such as The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, USA Today, TIME Magazine and more.
Record of failure
Democrats are in full panic mode, they just can’t get “Radical Harris” over the win finish line. They called out all the walking skeletons, not for Halloween but to try and save “madame death warmed over ” Yes all they can do is “fear promotion” of Trump, because Harris has no record of success, just failures. Harris dug her own grave supporting “the squads” hatred of Jews/ Israel. Her hatred of Catholics, turning down Charity invites, from the Church. joining Biden in DOJ attacks on Catholic school parents / abortion discussions arrest, her constant attacks the States, for now being a deciding factor in premature infant mortality, seems like Harris does not like Columbus / Italians day either, of course her stance on open borders that have driven the crime rates up in America. Nobody has anything positive/good to say about Harris, not Obama, Clintons, Oprah, Hollywood, always attacks on Trump, never anything about Harris accomplishments, because there is none, She would be a total disaster on world events, how do i know? just look at what Biden/Harris have done with the current wars, now once again, look at the trillions they have wasted of your tax payers money. If you notice even Harris has nothing good to say about herself….
Record of failure
Democrats are in full panic mode, they just can’t get “Radical Harris” over the win finish line. They called out all the walking skeletons, not for Halloween but to try and save “madame death warmed over ” Yes all they can do is “fear promotion” of Trump, because Harris has no record of success, just failures. Harris dug her own grave supporting “the squads” hatred of Jews/ Israel. Her hatred of Catholics, turning down Charity invites, from the Church. joining Biden in DOJ attacks on Catholic school parents / abortion discussions arrest, her constant attacks the States, for now being a deciding factor in premature infant mortality, seems like Harris does not like Columbus / Italians day either, of course her stance on open borders that have driven the crime rates up in America. Nobody has anything positive/good to say about Harris, not Obama, Clintons, Oprah, Hollywood, always attacks on Trump, never anything about Harris accomplishments, because there is none, She would be a total disaster on world events, how do i know? just look at what Biden/Harris have done with the current wars, now once again, look at the trillions they have wasted of your tax payers money. If you notice even Harris has nothing good to say about herself….