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From Guns To Kids: Just Pawns In The Liberal’s Political Game

Yesterday, March 14, 2018, many school children were released from school to march and protest for school safety in memory of the seventeen students who were killed in Florida a few weeks ago. The sentiment was fine, but this blatantly political move of leftists is sickening.

Since the mission of this little outing was school safety, the liberal organizers showed poor judgment and little concern for their own students’ safety by letting them out to march, one might even say, play, in the traffic. We heard that in the DC area some kids were blocking traffic on Interstate 95 and the Belt highway. That’ll sway local DC residents trying to get to work or pick up younger children from daycare and will encourage them to think favorably about the organizers’ side of the gun/child endangerment argument. And what does blocking traffic have to do with gun safety, anyway?

The organizers in this effort were encouraging the young people to make illogical, emotional arguments so the students can feel good about themselves and pretend to be “grown-up” like the teachers and the organizers, but all I saw from this typical leftist demonstration was the teachers trying to get the students to make the leftist points the teachers have been feeding them in class the last month, which would enable the teachers to feel good about themselves, too, knowing that they and their immature arguments, and their ignorance of our nation’s Bill of Rights, think right along the same lines as the students. That way the teachers can be assured they’re agreeing with equals and be proud of their anti-constitution efforts.

The teachers should try discussing the subject with adults for a change instead of feeding words to kids and then nodding their heads in agreement when the students regurgitate those words back to them. The subject is much more nuanced than the teachers realize, and the subject-matter goes deeper than a 7th grade debate team. But emotion satisfies Democrats because they really believe they’ve “made a difference” and contributed to a solution, when all they’ve done is muddy the water and make the situation worse.

In actuality the organizers of this idiotic demonstration were just more anti-Trump, leftist Antifa fighters and burners without the masks, and Occupy Wall Street punks minus the rape tents, and the entire student march was child abuse and child endangerment, and these fools should be put in jail for their offenses against the children.

Dave King

Retired AT&T supervisor.

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