GOP Avoids Becoming Piñata Through No Fault of Its Own
The stubborn intransigence of the Partido Demócrata de los Estados Unidos may have just cost it the 2018 midterm election. I’ll admit I’m in awe of the influence a large group of entitled, ungrateful and anti–American illegals has over Demócratas, but this time the slavish devotion leftist politicians have to these invaders backfired.

(Which brings to mind a related point. Shouldn’t the Partido Demócrata be required to register as a foreign agent? If Paul Manafort can be indicted by Robert ‘Ahab’ Mueller for failing to register in connection with work for the Ukraine — a nation with zero influence in Congress — it seems only fair that a political party which spends most of its time representing non–citizen lawbreakers should be forced to register, too.
Besides, it’s becoming obvious there was no significant Russian 2016 election meddling or “collusion.” While evidence of the influence Mexico has on elections goes completely uninvestigated.)
It would have been easy enough for Demócratas to agree to partial funding for Trump’s wall — AKA the Muro de Humillación —and then conveniently forget about it just as they did after Reagan’s “one–time–only” amnesty.
This strategy would have had two advantages. It would have cleared Demócratas’ offices of the screaming, aggressive moochers known as ‘Soñadores’, while almost guaranteeing a midterm Republican wipeout.
The promise of a wall in the future would not have been enough to overcome an amnesty in the present for conservatives. While energized leftists descended on the polls, enervated conservatives would’ve stayed home. Passive–aggressive Curator of the Senate Mitch McConnell would have returned to minority status, along with Paul Rino.
That didn’t happen. Not because crony conservatives decided to represent citizens instead of the Chamber of Commerce and the Kochs. The GOP wasn’t opposed to the citizenship giveaway. McConnell and Ryan would’ve been happy to simultaneously display their “compassion” and political death wish by passing a DACA/Soñadores amnesty.
What prevented amnesty was Trump’s promise to veto any bill that didn’t contain funding for the wall. The GOP Jellyfish caucus didn’t suddenly become immigration hardliners who believe citizenship is more than a cheap geography prize that can be traded for votes.
Republicans didn’t want to be embarrassed by a Trump veto. In turn, Trump was saved from betraying his base by Demócratas’ anti–citizen fanaticism.
Even though the DACA amnistía was temporarily defeated, the existing political situation for conservatives remains unchanged.
Country club Republicans running the House and Senate continue to view the conservative base the same way arrogant explorers viewed natives in Africa: Conservatives are dangerous savages useful for toting ballot boxes on their head while the master is in the bush, but they must be thoroughly house–broken before being allowed into polite society.
Conservatives are stuck in a situation that’s worse than the French in 1942. We’re ruled by a Vichy government filled with accommodationist weaklings and our D–Day reinforced the enemy instead of providing victory.
The only way the political situation will change is if conservatives act unilaterally to change it. And this brings us back to my “Lose the House to Win the Future” strategy.
The cocktail conservatives of the GOP establishment must be sent a message that will smash the impervious barrier of complacency and arrogance that surrounds their Capitol Hill offices. Conservatives must change their voting behavior in November 2018.
Instead of holding your nose and voting for some caretaker conservative, I want you to cast a write–in ballot for Mark Meadows, chairman of the genuinely conservative House Freedom Caucus. Resist the temptation to write in Mickey Mouse or some other cartoon character. That’s a mistake that will result in your vote being dismissed as a frivolous vote.
A nationwide write–in campaign where conservatives write Meadows’ name on the Congressional ballot will be a message that’s impossible for even the congenitally oblivious McConnell to ignore.
Losing the House will also help.
Let me stress House votes are the only change for conservatives. Votes for Senate GOP candidates remain unchanged, even if your only choice is a media parasite like Lindsey Graham (R–Amnesty). It simply takes too long to regain control of the Senate.
I know newly empowered House Demócratas will pass gun confiscation bills, grant illegal aliens citizenship and demand Baptists dance at same–sex weddings, but it won’t matter. The bills will die in the Senate or Trump will veto.
What will matter is seat–warming Republicans will see what their future holds if they continue to alienate conservatives. If the GOP proves they’ve embraced RINO Reform, then go back to voting as usual in 2020. Trump will win and for the first time he’ll have a genuinely conservative and motivated congressional majority with which to work.