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Laura Ingraham Targeted By Marxist, Communist, Hitlarian David Hogg

The left seems to love comparing anyone who disagrees with them to Hitler. They did it for eight years with Bush and now sometimes with Trump though I could never see the comparison. Now the real Hitler comparison is one of their own, the Marxist, communist, self-appointed leader of the anti-gun youth movement David Hogg. Hogg physically resembles Adolf Hitler in fist-pounding salutes, angry speech patterns and more. His dark-eyed blank stare and grey jacket and dark hair even make him look like a young Hitler only without the mustache. His right arm raised is very reminiscent of a combination of the black power salute and the Hitler Nazi salute. To paraphrase the cartoon character Pogo, “They have met the enemy and it is them.”

The “Hitler Youth” student gun control march in Washington, follows in the footsteps of Nazis who disarmed the Jews before the Holocaust, but I guess they don’t teach that in schools anymore.

Hogg can certainly dish it out, but can’t take it. When talk show host Laura Ingraham mildly criticized him in a tweet for whining about not getting into four colleges he applied to while having a 4.0 grade point average he quickly listed all the sponsors of her show and told them to boycott her show and they are doing it too. They are responding to a 17-year-old kid for crying out loud. Major multi-million dollar companies afraid of a 17-year-old kid? I hope people respond and start boycotting them. Two can play this game. He seems to think anyone who disagrees with him has to be punished. If you say something on social media you should be ready to expect various replies and deal with them, not try to silence anyone who disagrees with you.

Now thanks to this young power mad narcissistic Marxist brat she may lose her career and is taking a week off now to be with her kids at Easter time.

Laura is a kind, forgiving Catholic woman and as such, she apologized nicely to him and he replied that is not enough and went after all of FOX in general.

Hogg is too full of hatred to be taken seriously. He has used vile language against his parents, the government and others. Getting revenge on Laura and calling for the boycott of her show, does not serve his cause of gun control. It just shows his true character and intentions.

Hogg has knowingly placed himself ‘front and center’ in a debate that concerns policy that affects all Americans – thus, he legitimately falls within the range of scrutiny. He has lashed out with impunity at many without proof or a modicum of research/documentation. He cannot have it both ways. Although he was a part of a tragic event – that does not make him a scholar or an ‘expert.  His tactic when he is crossed is to lash out like a bully. He is unlikable, lacks credibility and his anger masquerades as ‘righteousness.’ He is the least media savvy of his cadre – and lacks authenticity.

 Fox News show host Laura Ingraham announced on her show late Friday that she is taking next week off, after almost a dozen advertisers dropped her show after the conservative pundit mocked a teenage survivor of the Florida school massacre on Twitter.

Eleven companies so far have pulled their ads after a pushback by Parkland student David Hogg, 17, who called for a boycott of her advertisers.

A Fox News Channel spokeswoman said Ingraham was taking a pre-planned spring vacation with her children.

Hogg took aim at the host’s show, “The Ingraham Angle,” after she taunted him on Twitter on Wednesday, accusing him of whining about being rejected by four colleges to which he had applied.

Hogg tweeted a list of a dozen companies that advertise on “The Ingraham Angle” and urged his supporters to demand that they cancel their ads.

On Thursday, Ingraham tweeted an apology “in the spirit of Holy Week,” saying she was sorry for any hurt or upset she had caused Hogg or any of the “brave victims” of Parkland. But her apology did not stop companies from departing. The companies announcing that they are canceling their ads are: Nutrish, the pet food line created by celebrity chef Rachael Ray, travel website TripAdvisor Inc, online home furnishings seller Wayfair Inc, the world’s largest packaged food company, Nestle SA, online streaming service Hulu, travel website Expedia Group Inc and online personal shopping service Stitch Fix. According to CBS News, four other companies joined the list Friday: the home office supply store Office Depot, the dieting company Jenny Craig, the Atlantis, Paradise Island resort and Johnson & Johnson which produces pharmaceuticals as well as consumer products such as Band-Aids, Neutrogena beauty products and Tylenol.

Hogg is not a “survivor” as he wasn’t even there at the time of the shooting. He raced to the scene, after the fact, so he could act as a participant and get sympathy and notoriety, sad. As per HIS own interview where he says he got on his bike and went over to the school when he heard that something was going on there.

He’s traveling around the country trying to make a name for himself by protesting for gun control without even understanding what the issues are or the consequences of what he’s opposing would mean. He’s a pompous kid who is exploiting the tragedy of the shooting for attention. Maybe what Laura said wasn’t in best judgement but this kid needs to be called out on what he’s doing.

David Hogg is too full of hatred to be taken seriously. He has used vile language against his parents, the government and others. Getting revenge on Laura and calling for the boycott of her show, does not serve his cause of gun control. It just shows his true character and intentions.

Just like Hitler Youth enthusiasts, this fascists-in-training are told they’re “saving lives” for “a better future,” and that the only thing standing in their way is a bunch of violent gun owners who want to murder every baby in sight. (The irony of all these left-wingers actually condoning the abortion murder of babies, of course, is completely missed in all this.)

What none of these children are being told, of course, is that Hitler took away gun rights from the Jews before exterminating six million of them in the Holocaust. It’s so much easier to commit genocide, Hitler discovered, when the people you’re trying to murder can’t fight back. Echoing the madness of the Third Reich, the propagandist-in-chief of today’s lunatic Left anti-gun movement is David Hogg, a profanity-laced, foulmouthed student who is seething with anger and seems forever on the verge of outright calling for all gun owners to be exterminated by the government.

In a recent interview, foul-mouthed Hogg, a student at the Parkland school shooting in Florida, says that gun owners and the NRA are “pathetic f##kers who want to keep killing our children” and adds, “They could have blood from children splattered all over their faces and they wouldn’t take action, because they all still see those dollar signs.”

David Hogg’s profanity-laced rant was so obnoxious, arrogant and deranged that YouTube systematically censored all the profanity-laced David Hogg videos in order to protect his public image. (Yes, YouTube is now running interference for David Hogg, making sure his public image is squeaky clean while he ravages gun owners with the most deranged, foul-mouth language imaginable.)

Hogg, who has arisen as the chief propagandist in the left-wing fascist “Hitler Youth” army, is completely opposed to adding security to public schools, even though a recent school shooting was stopped in 60 seconds by an armed security resource officer. It seems like Hogg might actually want more children to be murdered so that he can get more air time on CNN to push his radical, fascist-like Third Reich call for disarming all the people he personally hates (and wants to destroy).

Now Hogg has publicly called out Senator John McCain for receiving significant financial support from the National Rifle Association.

David Hogg tweeted to the cancer-stricken senator Friday, “Why do you take so much money from the NRA?”

The teenager posted the tweet to an unrelated message McCain had posted about a state redevelopment project, reports the Blaze.

While the six-term senator has not yet issued a response, a New York Times op-ed from October pointed out that McCain has received the most money from the NRA of any U.S. senator over the course of his or her career—a total which exceeds $7.7 million.

George Soros is the major financier behind this anti-gun movement. For those of you still not familiar with George Soros, he is an evil man from Hungry worth billions and as a young boy he and his father helped turn Jews into the Nazis and stole from them to protect their own Jewish identity. Today he is 85 years old and worth tens of billions of dollars and uses many of those funds to establish his worldwide New World Order. He has hundreds of organizations around the world and attempts to manipulate governments into his goal of a one world government. Putin wants him dead or alive. To accomplish this, the first goal is to disarm the country which is what he is doing using these young naive kids.

The George Soros-financed Media Matters for America progressive activist group has been helping to fuel an advertising boycott targeting Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show following Twitter comments the media star made about Parkland shooting survivor and anti-gun activist David Hogg.

Think Progress, the media project of the Soros-funded Center for American Progress, has also been using its platform to hype the boycott.

Media Matters, founded by Hillary Clinton ally David Brock, is financed in part by Soros.  The billionaire provided a $1 million donation in 2010 “to hold Fox News accountable for the false and misleading information they so often broadcast.”

Brock once described Media Matters as aiming to wage an all-out campaign of “guerrilla warfare and sabotage” against Fox News. Soros has donated heavily to Hillary and Obama who share his same goals.

Jim Clayton

I am a retired former newspaper reporter and retail sales person. I'm a politically conservative easy going person from New Jersey. I am married to a wonderful wife and like talking and writing about movies,, concerts I attend and current events all which I write about here. I would enjoy hearing from anyone on my articles and they can write to me here.

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  1. The raised clinched fist IS the communist revolutionary salute. It is the symbol of “Power to the People” – the Revolution. Alynski said it; “the Issue is Never the Issue. The Revolution is the issue.”

    Any time I see this salute (typically in a crowd of rioters – but often by individuals with dark skin and mattie hair or other celebrities) I think COMMUNIST!!!

    The only difference between socialism (including “National Socialist Workers Party”) and communism is how they are implemented. The Nazis tried violent revolution but in reality Hitler took over by the approval of the people of Germany – non violently. On the other hand the Communists ALWAYS take over by violent bloody revolution – whether the people wanted it or not. Most of Russia opposed communism in 1917. In fact, the Communist party won by merely one vote in Parliament and then by coercion. Implementing communism was done thru Bloody Civil War funded by Germany and AMERICAN WALL STREET CAPITOLISTS!!! Documented proof of that CAN be found in research.

    So, isn’t it funny how all these decades we’ve been taught by the Communist Leftist Socialist how Communists and Nazis were / are polar opposites when in reality the only contention was how to implement socialism? The far Right and the far Left; with us “moderates” stuck in the middle? It isn’t right and left. It’s right and WRONG – and both National Socialism and Communism are on the FAR WRONG while us moderates who want LESS Government (not ZERO Government, mind you, but less) are on the FAR RIGHT!!!

    Heck! Maybe no one reads this. But it is THE TRUTH and ya’ll better start learning the Truth – FAST!!!!!

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