The politicians ARE puppets… being controlled by international banksters! The debate is just SMOKE and MIRRORS!
How does Mitch McConnell’s plan make any sense at all? To give Caesar like powers to a president that acts like a dictator! Another traitor in the Republican party! Great toon Tony!
You’re right on Warren… Thank you!
Anthony hits another one out of the park. Spine made of “Jell-O”
Lol.. Jello… Thank you!
I understand McConnell’s theory. But that is an INCREDIBLY NAIVE plan!!!
What a traitor to the conservative cause. What a joke. FAIL!
Wow… Antonio got something right for a change!
The politicians ARE puppets… being controlled by international banksters! The debate is just SMOKE and MIRRORS!
How does Mitch McConnell’s plan make any sense at all? To give Caesar like powers to a president that acts like a dictator! Another traitor in the Republican party! Great toon Tony!
You’re right on Warren… Thank you!
Anthony hits another one out of the park. Spine made of “Jell-O”
Lol.. Jello… Thank you!
I understand McConnell’s theory. But that is an INCREDIBLY NAIVE plan!!!
What a traitor to the conservative cause. What a joke. FAIL!