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Watch: Trump delivers speech detailing efforts to combat opioid crisis [video + transcript]

President Donald Trump delivers a speech Monday from the Manchester Community College in Manchester, New Hampshire where he unveils his strategy to combat the opioid crisis in America.

The president’s plan is expected to include seeking the death penalty for drug dealers, urging Congress to toughen sentences for drug traffickers, reducing the overprescription of opioids and increasing education and awareness programs.

President Trump was introduced by his wife, Melania Trump.


Melania Trump’s introduction of the president

MRS. TRUMP:  Hello.  Good afternoon.  It is great to be with you today as we address an issue posing a major threat to our society.

Before I begin, I want to thank members of law enforcement for all they do to protect us each day.  (Applause.)  You are each heroes, and this administration will always honor your lifesaving work.

In my role as First Lady, much of my focus has been towards understanding the negative effects the opioid epidemic is having on our children and young mothers.

I have seen firsthand both the medical and personal results of this crisis.  Last month, I visited Cincinnati Children’s Hospital in Ohio, and met with doctors and nurses who shared their research on neonatal abstinence syndrome, or NAS.  NAS is a heartbreaking development in newborns who are exposed to opioids before they are born.

Many young mothers are not even aware of this disease, so we must continue educating them about the real dangers of opioids on unborn babies.

More recently, Betty Henderson shared with me a tragic story of losing her son to drug addiction.  She suffered a pain no parent should ever have to endure — the loss of a child.  Unfortunately, her story is just one of many because of this epidemic.  I’m grateful to people like Betty who have the courage to share her story in an effort to raise awareness.

And while this crisis has taken hold of our country, the American people have responded.  The results can be seen in the creation of Lily’s Place in West Virginia, a care center that takes in tiny infants with NAS and nurtures them back to health.

Real progress is also being made because of the hard work by doctors and nurses across the country who have taken special interest to research and offer resources for those addicted to opioids.

I’m proud of this administration’s commitment to battling this epidemic.  Just a few weeks ago, we held another opioids summit at the White House where multiple panels came together to help all affected by drug addiction.

I’m honored to be here with you all today, and to work alongside so many people across the country with the shared goal of ending this battle.

Thank you to the Manchester Community College for having us today.  And now, I would like to introduce my husband, President Donald Trump.  (Applause.)

President Donald Trump’s remarks

[coming soon]

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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