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Trump hits out at Fake News and Illegal Alien ‘Caravan’ in early morning tweets

President Donald Trump started Tuesday by striking out at the mainstream media and the massive group of prospective illegal aliens crossing Mexico.

“The Fake News Networks, those that knowingly have a sick and biased AGENDA, are worried about the competition and quality of Sinclair Broadcast,” he first tweeted just after 6:30 a.m. “The “Fakers” at CNN, NBC, ABC & CBS have done so much dishonest reporting that they should only be allowed to get awards for fiction!”

The tweet comes as news networks decried Sinclair Broadcasting’s use of its large network of local television stations to point out the liberal bias in national network reporting. Sinclair is undoing decades of progressive domination in news. Many in the industry aren’t happy that Sinclair is undermining the left’s agenda and took to the airwaves to call the move “propaganda” – President Trump is calling the fake news networks out for what they are – “dishonest.”

The president then hit out at “Little Jeff Zucker:

“Check out the fact that you can’t get a job at ratings challenged @CNN unless you state that you are totally anti-Trump? Little Jeff Zuker, whose job is in jeopardy, is not having much fun lately. They should clean up and strengthen CNN and get back to honest reporting!” he posted to Twitter.

Trump also made it clear that he expects Mexico to deal with the 1,500-person mass of prospective illegal aliens crossing Mexico. The group is less than 400 miles away from the U.S. border and their stated intention is to violate United States law and enter the country as criminal aliens.

“The big Caravan of People from Honduras, now coming across Mexico and heading to our “Weak Laws” Border, had better be stopped before it gets there,” he said. “Cash cow NAFTA is in play, as is foreign aid to Honduras and the countries that allow this to happen. Congress MUST ACT NOW!”

The “caravan” is organized by Pueblo Sin Fronteras (PSF; “People Without Borders”) and has clearly stated that the gang of foreigners plans to thwart U.S. law.

Organized by a group of volunteers called Pueblos Sin Fronteras, or People Without Borders, the caravan is intended to help migrants safely reach the United States, bypassing not only authorities who would seek to deport them, but gangs and cartels who are known to assault vulnerable migrants.

Other than threatening Mexico with a pull-out from NAFTA, the president has not made it clear what steps the federal government will take if the army of aliens crosses into the U.S.

State governors have the power to call up their state and national guard militias should they choose and at least one border state already has.

“Texas already has the National Guard and Dept. of Public Safety deployed to the border,” Texas Governor Greg Abbot tweeted Monday.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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