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Rep. Crowley on Family Separation at the Border: We Need to Talk About “Compensation”

Commenting on the separation of families along the southern border, Rep. Joe Crowley (D-N.Y.)  said this “is one of the most reprehensible things I’ve witnessed in my 20 years’ service here.”

The New York Democrat even went onto suggest that the individuals affected by family separation should be compensated.

“The damage that has been done to these children will be life-long — to these family units will be life-long, as well. And in fact, I — I suggest that they need to be compensated for what this administration did to them. But the first form of compensation needs to be the full reunification of these families.”

When asked what specifically could be done, Crowley couldn’t give specifics other than that if this had been done to any citizen of the United States, the government would be facing some incredible lawsuits.

“I don’t have anything specific in mind, except that I think that the — the torte in this-this particular case, the damage that was done to these children, to their lives, their future life and to their families is — is quite remarkable. Had it been done to any citizen of the United States, I think the federal government would be looking at incredible lawsuits, I would just say,” said Crowley.

As if illegal immigration wasn’t already costing the American taxpayers enough. According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform, illegal immigration costs u.s. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the federal, state and local level. the bulk of the costs — some $84 billion — are absorbed by state and local governments.

Brady Kenyon

Brady is a contributing writer for Conservative Daily News.

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  1. O I know, he can open up his own home for compensation, there should be NO compensation, they crossed our borders illegally, which means they should NOT have been there in the first place

  2. Shouldn’t that be 20 years of SELF-service? Apparently (if he’s being truthful) the man has walked around deaf and only to see straight ahead as far as his next election…..and this one pits him against a new, 28 year old rock star “Socialist Democrat”that’s doing cartwheels to provide a fresh face.

    You’re right Nancy. All of these wailing Democrats that think that the United States is causing life=long trauma don’t offer to take these children in..they choose to ignore or are ignorant of the trauma of this horrific trip to get here … . .90% of them haven’t even been to the Border. And probably have never bothered to read the Immigration LAWS and changes (including the ones they voted on)

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