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Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol agents arrest six criminal aliens in one day

EDINBURG, Texas – Yesterday, Border Patrol agents across the Rio Grande Valley arrested four gang members and two sex offenders that were also illegal aliens.

RGV Border Patrol arrest six criminal aliens in one dayFort Brown agents arrested a Mexican national near Brownsville, Texas.  The man’s criminal record revealed he was arrested in January 2017, by the Neptune Township Police Department in New Jersey. He was charged with Sexual Assault of a Victim 13-15 Years of Age and Endangering Sexual Conduct with Indictment/Accusation.  On February 2018, the subject was convicted and sentenced to 200 days confinement and one-year probation.

McAllen agents arrested a Guatemalan man near Hidalgo, Texas. His records showed a criminal conviction for Rape/Assault. He was sentenced to three years confinement.

In two different incidents, Falfurrias agents arrested 3 Salvadoran nationals. All of the subjects’ records revealed that they are active members of the Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) gang.

Also in Falfurrias, agents arrested another Salvadoran national whose records checks revealed him as a member of the 18th Street gang.

All subjects will be processed accordingly and their prior orders of removal will be reinstated.

The public is encouraged to take a stand against crime in their communities and to help save lives by reporting suspicious activity at 800-863-9382.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. It would seem that the tattoo parlor would be the place to grab a lot of these animals.

  2. Tattoos are, by some, considered an art form and even was a featured cable show, Now, it has become a bright flashing DANGER warning and depriving those artist of the creative applauds they deserve, (aka one of our ‘freedom of expression)

    I no longer have a contact at the Dept of Corrections, but in 2006 h he told me that in Texas alone there were 7200 convicted sex offenders that were in country illegally, primarily from Mexico at a cost of $100K a year if they stayed healthy.With the open flood gates on the Obama dam for 8 years that number has most certainly has blown the lid of any pretense or denial MSM reporting …just imagine the number when the county jails counts are included….remember..this is ONLY sex crimes!! Midland/Ector counties in SW Texas currently are looking for 4 child molesters believed to have ‘fled back to Mexico’….that’s just since July 1st!!

    Anyone, I mean, just anyone can sit and quarterback, moan, groan and bitch from an armchair with each other…How’s that working out? ACTION not words is needed IF you serious about stopping illegal, criminal trespassing!! Don’t know what to do? ASK!!! If you can’t find out how in your own community, there are several CDN members that can help and suggest what can be done….”Ignorance is no excuse”

    Should you feel that these criminals are mistreated, how about inviting some of them to live in your home and assume responsibility for therm.

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