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Bongino was right, CNN really does suck [by the numbers]

CNN Sucks

NRATV host Dan Bongino chimed into the debate about the “CNN Sucks” chants that arise at almost every one of President Donald Trump’s MAGA rallies, and after checking the numbers, he nailed it.

Jim Acosta, CNN‘s biggest baby, spent days commenting on his experience at a MAGA rally where the crowd chanted “CNN Sucks.”

“To give you a sense of what’s happening right now, you can hear there is a chorus of boos and other chants at this Trump crowd here in Tampa, Fla. They are saying things like ‘CNN sucks,’ ‘go home’ and ‘fake news,'” Acosta said during a live report on Tuesday, July 31st.

Then on Wednesday…

“I mean, honestly, it felt like we weren’t in America anymore,” Acosta said. “I don’t know how to put it any more plainly than that.”

And Friday, after his tantrum during the previous day’s press briefing:

“I think maybe we should make some bumper stickers. Make some buttons, you know maybe we should go out on Pennsylvania Avenue like these folks who chant CNN sucks and fake news, maybe we should go out, all journalists should go out on Pennsylvania Avenue and chant we’re not the enemy of the people because I’m tired of this.”

Acosta is clearly tired of hearing “CNN Sucks.” So why do people keep chanting it?

Mr. Bongino tweeted out the answer.

“If CNN would just stop sucking then we’d have no need to continue the ‘CNN sucks’ chant” he tweeted.

Sure, subjectively, most believe that CNN sucks, but what do the numbers say?

For this analysis, CDN pulled the most recent weekly cable ratings from Nielsen.

Prime Time – All Viewers

CNN 13 Fox News 1 -all

That’s a whole lotta’ suckin’. But hey, at least #13 CNN beat The Food Network.

Ok, but that’s just prime time, what about the rest of the day?

Daytime Rankings – all viewers

Well, they suck less during the day, but that’s still pretty sucky. I promise there are ZERO executives at CNN that are proud that they lost to HGTV and The Hallmark Channel.

But that’s just old people, right?  RIGHT?

Prime Time – 25 to 54-year-old viewers (the so-called “Prized” demographic)

Well, that’s not better … at all. Fox News is still the most watched news network among viewers in the “prized” demo. But MSNBC (#15) and CNN (#16) did manage to beat VH1, whose most viewed shows include “RuPaul’s Drag Race”, “America’s Next Top Model” and “Love & Hip Hop.”

Things don’t improve much for CNN in the daytime 25-54 rankings.

Day Time – 25 to 54-year-old Demographic

Yeah, if CNN wasn’t playing in airports, I’m not sure anyone would see it. #13 again, but this time they at least held off TV Land.

So, Dan Bongino is right. CNN does indeed suck both subjectively and objectively.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. Does those ratings include the millions of Dr. offices and waiting rooms, and the millions of people forced to watch their trash at airports? If so they REALLY suck.

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