Home/Trending Topics/Editorial Cartoons/Cross Examination – A.F. Branco Cartoon Editorial Cartoons Cross Examination – A.F. Branco Cartoon A.F. BrancoSeptember 6, 20182 TagsBrett Kavanaugh the Senate Judiciary Committee A.F. BrancoSeptember 6, 20182 Facebook X Reddit Telegram Share via Email Print
hear, hear, have no fear…..confirmation is near…..Ever notice that with their pants down these Democrats all look alike…..see one ass and you’ve seen them all. boy oh boy have they showed them this week****NEW BOOK is fantastic !!
hear, hear, have no fear…..confirmation is near…..Ever notice that with their pants down these Democrats all look alike…..see one ass and you’ve seen them all. boy oh boy have they showed them this week
****NEW BOOK is fantastic !!
Thank you, Jan… So glad you like the book!