Transgender Recruiting Plans Include Your Kids
Ryan T. Anderson, the author of ‘When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment’, gave a speech last week at the Catholic University of America.
It was all very dignified and featured a walking–on–eggshells atmosphere. Yet under Anderson’s proper and decorous message was a stark warning for parents: Gender Red Guards are seizing the curriculum in government schools and they are coming for your kids.

Or as Anderson has tweeted, “transgenderism is a belief system that increasingly looks like a cultish religion…being forced on the public by the state.”
“Today the focus [of transgenderism] tends to be on children,” Anderson warns. There are already 45 clinics that specialize in children and essentially function as recruitment depots.
“The standard of care is self–reinforcing” in a children’s gender jumble clinic. These clinics make sure that once a child has expressed even the most tentative misgivings regarding their “assigned gender” the staff makes sure there is no backsliding on the part of the child or the parents.
Left to their own devices 80 to 95 percent of the boys and girls who are gender–confused will happily revert to their gender before they become adults. Transgenderists can’t tolerate that level of attrition. A movement to normalize the abnormal can’t succeed if the numbers remain just a minuscule fringe of the total population.
These children’s clinics are a sexual Checkpoint Charlie. Once the child crosses over he’s behind the Berlin Gender Wall, never to be allowed to return.
Here the power of the state enforces transgender conformity. Many child welfare commissars consider it child abuse to send the kid to counseling that seeks to have them accept reality and accept their real gender. Instead, a boy who is too young to experiment with a new pack of Virginia Slims can be encouraged by the government to start down the road to a new vagina.
This transgender ideology and its implementation by ‘child welfare’ bureaucrats is “systematically undermining parental authority.”
Inside the clinic parents are presented with a Trans for Tots regime where one size fits all. A three–year–old that just finished toddling, but is sexually wise beyond his years will begin “social transitioning.” The child gets a new name, new gender and starts playing for a new team as he lives as the opposite sex.
As the child approaches puberty it’s unthinkable that he undergo the process in the wrong body. The child is given a drug cocktail for life that blocks the onset of puberty and as Anderson terms it, “traps the child in a prepubescent body.” That’s an ideal development for ‘caregivers’ who also happen to be pedophiles.
Then as early as the freshman year of high school the process of producing the right body begins. Puberty blockers are traded for hormone treatment. As the 18th birthday approaches — earlier for some particularly zealous surgeons — surgical reassignment is possible. Although the new euphemism for this is irreversible body vandalism is “gender affirmation surgery.”
Anderson describes the ideology snaring these children as, “Radical expressive individualism combined with ruthless paternalism.”
And make no mistake these children’s gender clinics are practicing Mengele Medicine. Physicians and good Germans on the staff are experimenting on helpless children to advance an ideologically–driven medical theory with no basis in fact.
The parents are not told there are no long-term studies of the effects of this treatment on children. “The treatment is entirely experimental,” Anderson notes. Doctors don’t tell parents they are making it up as they go along.
If parents or the child has second thoughts, the lies begin. They’re told puberty blockers are reversible. “What they mean is the doctor hopes normal puberty will commence if the drugs are stopped,” Anderson explained. “They don’t know. There’s no ‘Pause’ button for puberty.”
Even worse the drugs parents are told to give the children are not FDA tested or approved for use in gender experimentation. The drugs are being used off-label without government approval.
Even after ‘successful’ surgery that’s supposed to solve the problems of these deeply disturbed and programmed children, 41 percent will still attempt suicide after their operation. Even the Obama administration admitted in 2016 no study has found a long-term benefit from ‘gender affirmation’ surgery.
How can you protect your children from being swept up in this malign mania? Homeschooling is a surefire solution. If that’s not possible, ask your school board if schools use the ‘Gender Unicorn’ or otherwise discuss transgenderism. If the answer is ‘yes’ have your kids opt out of the class.
Teach your children a biblically–based orientation to sex. Yes, it’s awkward. And yes, the kids may whine. But I guarantee if you don’t do it, the government schools will, and you may not like the outcome.