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Warnock Vowed To ‘Dismantle the Value System’ Of The American ‘Empire’

Georgia Senate candidate Rev. Raphael Warnock once vowed to “dismantle the value system” of the American “empire,” video footage shows.

“I want you to hear me now, because most of Christian America is focused on two or three issues,” Warnock,  a reverend headed into a January runoff election against Republican Georgia Sen. Kelly Loeffler, preached at Ebenezer Baptist Church in 2017, Breitbart first reported.

“Meanwhile, the Bible spends most of its time talking about how to treat the poor, the struggling, and the stranger,” he continued. “And so, don’t misinterpret what Jesus is saying. Jesus is saying you will always have the poor with you, not because God ordained it; not because it is what it is, and that’s the way it has to be; the poor are with you because of the evils and the excesses of the empire.”

Warnock then promised to “dismantle the value system of the empire,” saying, “I already told you that I came to preach good news to the poor, to open the eyes of the blind, and to set the captives free, and to preach the year of the Lord’s freedom. In other words, I came to dismantle the value system of the empire. But here’s the problem: the religious folk who should be fighting with me against the empire are in cahoots with the empire.”


Warnock also once preached that Christianity started as a “socialist church,” according to video footage of a 2016 worship service.

“The early church was a socialist church,” Warnock said. “I know you think that’s an oxymoron, but the early church was much closer to socialism than to capitalism. Go back and read the bible. I love to listen to evangelicals who stand on the bible. Well they had all things in common, they took everything — I’m just preaching the bible — they took all of their things and they had all things in common.”

“But even the folk who say they just follow every word of the bible, they’re not about to do that. But if we would just share what we have, everybody can eat, everybody ought to have water, everybody ought to have health care. It’s a basic principle,” Warnock said.

The pastor also emphasized that the rich “ought” to give more in order to “level the playing field.”

“And I don’t mind telling you that those who have more ought to give more,” he said. “The strong are to bear the infirmities of the weak. And in the nation and in the church, to whom much is given, much is required. We need to level the playing field. To be concerned about the poor does not make you a socialist, it actually makes you a Christian, and it means that you believe that everybody is a child of God.”

Warnock has not responded to a number of requests for comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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  1. This isn’t news that you are speaking about; its lies. Why twist things so they fit for you and your audience? Everything you people say about Biden and his family is true and has been proven about trump and his. You talk about biden but trump had three wives; he’s probably a terrible father and sure there is some raping women in there as well. Let’s not forget he owes 400,000,000 in debt. You guys can spin that any way you want. He lost the election because America as a whole didn’t want an impeached cheating lying loser as their president. Let it go and give it up. Oh yeah and Georgia will come through for the Democrats. You people seem against progress in this country. You people praise Lee; who was a trader to this country you love so much. What sense does that make and what are you teaching your children?

  2. This article isn’t about Warnock’s personal life, Karen. So why have you brought up Trump’s? Is your comment a generic one you post on all the articles?

    This article is about Warnock planning to redistribute wealth by force (taxes) instead of advocating the free-will offerings the early church practiced. Apparently, he’d rather give handouts than create opportunities for the poor to better themselves with better jobs. That sounds noble, but is very crushing long term to the human spirit.

    Those of us who support Trump as a political candidate don’t deny he has a playboy past or a nasty Twitter presence. We’d rather he clean up his act, but on the other hand, George W Bush was a gentleman and the Left still hated him.

    Back to Trump: he’s done so much for religious freedom, the rights of the unborn, blacks (ex. Funding their colleges, expanding economic opportunities in the cities), & even moved the embassy to Israel—something decades of presidents failed to do, although Congress had passed a declaration about it!

    We like him for what he does. He’s not who we wanted originally, but he’s grown on us.

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