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Democrat Plans For America

The Mexican government is closing down the Tijuana immigrant encampment because of the serious and dangerous illnesses the caravan carried there, and Democrats want these people to enter the United States and spread their diseases across our nation.

Venezuela’s Socialism is causing poverty and hunger to be the new norm in that formerly prosperous nation with the population experiencing a shortage of food and a deterioration of their healthcare delivery, and Democrats want to introduce Socialism to America.

Democrats and the various Chambers of Commerce in America want poor people to immigrate to America and settle here to do the work they say our lower-paid citizens will no longer do, when there are many Americans, including teenagers looking for their first jobs, who can find no work for themselves because immigrants have taken all of the jobs.

Democrats want to give welfare to immigrants settling here with no jobs, no skills, and no ability to speak English, while at the same time the government is unable to sufficiently help many American citizens at the bottom of the economic ladder lead comfortable lives.

Despite the lying press’s assurance to Americans that the caravan contained only peaceful families, the mayor of Tijuana contradicted that assurance and told us that the caravan contained mostly young men and about ten-percent criminals. But Democrats insist that we are obligated to allow an infinite number of these people into America and settle here.

America’s Democrat party has taken Barack Obama’s promise to Fundamentally Transform America to heart and is moving with all possible speed to destroy this great nation.

Dave King

Retired AT&T supervisor.

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