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Who Does He Think He Is?

Being President does not give Barack Obama the authority to speak for us. Our “Representatives” in Congress do a poor enough job of that. Who on earth does he think he is, saying that America wishes to have Israel return it its 1967 boarders? Those boarders were crossed when the surrounding Muslim Countries decided to threaten Israel with certain annihilation.

Israel is a Democratic Republic very much like our own. They have a similar constitution, and the same three branches of government. They have one Legislative Representative Body of 120 members called the “Knesset.” The people elect the Knesset through many political parties every 4 years. The Prime Minister is now elected directly by the people. There is also a Judicial Branch with a Supreme Court much like our own. They are the only example of truly prosperous people in the Middle East.

In 1929, Arab attacks on ancient Jewish communities in and around Palestine caused them to migrate and immigrate for their lives. Between 1929 and WWII they moved throughout the world and were persecuted (Germany was but one drastic example). Only in the United States were they treated with any level of respect (certainly not without prejudice).

As is the Muslim way to stake their claim, the Arabs built a large mosque atop the most prominent Jewish place of worship. That mosque is known as “The Dome of the Rock.” Finally at the close of WWII the British, who controlled the Arab lands of grater Palestine, “solved the Israeli homeless problem” by giving them a portion of their ancient homeland to build an independent nation, “Israel.” The Dome of the Rock mosque stands in Palestine today protected by Israel as a Muslim holy sight despite the fact that it covers their own holy sight below it.

Muslim Law forbids giving up lands once conquered; therefore the existence of Israel was instantly an offense that they must rectified. This position has not changed and certainly shall not change in their eyes. In 1967, surrounding Arab nations, supplied by the USSR and fueled by Soviet misinformation, mobilized along Israel’s boarders with an expressed and undisputed intent of wiping out Israel. The Israeli Government and Military knew that allowing the Arab’s to attack first was certain death. Only after exhausting every diplomatic avenue, the Israelis pre-empted the attack with a swift and decisive 6-day victory over the many times larger Arab coalition. Thus they gained control over the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and many other large parts of the region (such as the Sinai Peninsula). Arabs to this day will point out that the Israelis attacked them without mention of their own provocation.

Israel returned much of the captured land with the exception of those areas of Palestine necessary for their security. They relocated all the Arabs living there to other Arab nations and took in about as many Jewish refugees from those Arab lands. Muslim sects, (mainly Shi’a & Sunni), as well as Arabs of different nationalities, harbor a great deal of distain for one another. Therefore displaced Palestinians were generally treated poorly in other Arab nations. However, Israel is a common enemy for which they readily conspire and literally compete to destroy. These Arab nations actually care very little for Palestinians, yet the “plight of Palestinian refugees” has become the single largest excuse for Arab hatred toward Israel. They call Israel the “Little Satan” and the US is called the “Big Satan” because we so strongly support Israel. Although generations have passed, the business of hating and destroying all Jews (Christians, and the US) has become central to a great portion of Arab culture.

Since the establishment of the Jewish homeland in 1948, the US has been the largest supporter of Israel. Despite having no oil, Israel has flourished as a shining successful Jewel of democracy in the Middle East amongst a host of oppressive oil rich Arab tyrannical regimes. The recent revolts in Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Libya, and spreading throughout Arab nations are anything but a transition to democracy. It is an open blatant expressed and obvious “Caliphate” to a unified Muslim cause. Sharia Law is absolutely not democratic or sensitive to human rights. Although Muslims sects bicker bitterly and lethally, they are uniting under a common cause to slay the Jews, then to create a prophesized worldwide blood bath for anyone who is not Muslim.

Political Cartoon - A.F. Branco - SchooledHistory demonstrates that Muslim fanatics need no more than an excuse to carry out the most heinous of attacks. For the US President to say that our nation desires Israel to revert to its 1967 borders is tantamount to a promise in their eyes. Our politicians’ practice of taking quotes out of proportion and context is novice by comparison to the misinformation machines known as news in the Arab world. Although Israel could never consider such a thing, President Obama continues to recklessly promote the pre-1967 borders without consideration for our actual desires or what that mere suggestion will do to fuel Arab Muslim dissatisfaction. Arab hatred for Israel will run ramped each time Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has to disillusion and disappoint them contrary to President Obama’s words.

Who does he think he is making promises that Israel cannot possibly keep? He also proclaims US intentions to insure Israel’s safety and security. However those two statements are mutually exclusive, short of permanent US military occupation of the Golan Heights and Gaza Strip, we could not possibly insure any such security. Clearly no one, Arab, US, or Israeli, wants that.

There are only two reasons a President would advocate such an untenable deal. The first is that he is that ridiculously unaware of the historic, social, and religious powder keg dynamics of the region. It is nearly irresponsible for a man in such a powerful position to act so recklessly even if he didn’t know any better. The second is much worse, that he does know better. It is shockingly disturbing to realize that this is the more likely case, given his heritage, upbringing, education and interests.

That would mean President Obama wishes to put Israel in another impossible position similar to 1967 where they would have to fend for themselves against an even larger Arab Muslim Caliphate Coalition bound by generations of festering hatred. The thought of a sitting US President being that tainted, is unfortunately beyond most citizens’ ability to comprehend. Therefore too many Americans will dismiss it with all other things too complicated to understand and left to our “authorities.” But isn’t that the problem? Given enough authority, a President need not be careful, benevolent, or accountable.

In typical Liberal/Progressive politically correct doublespeak, President Obama will travel to Egypt in June for a “Peace Talk” that will almost certainly fan the flames of Arab Muslim expectations. Israel cannot possibly extinguish such an inflamed Caliphate without igniting a backfire of great proportions. It has become all too predictable that Liberal/Progressive terms actually mean exactly their opposite. President Obama’s “peace plans” and “peace talks” shall have exactly the opposite effect.

Who said, “By their fruits ye shall know them.”? Oh yes, Jesus the Christ, a Jew from Nazareth (in Northern Palestine) some 500+ years before Mohammed was born. Can you give something back to someone who did not exist when it was built?

God knows what will happen.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. You write in your article about Obama that America was the only one who treated Israel with any respect. Does your Reporter know that if it wasn’t for England, Israel would not have become a free and independent state? Does he or she know that without England they would not have been accepted in the UN on as wide of basis as they were?

    Granted, England was all over the map when it came to Israel. They promised the land to Arabs, and then to one of the Arab States, Syria and I think possibly to others as well before they came true on their promise to make it a state for Israel. I think Palestine was the other Arab State and possibly Saudi Arabia as well.

    England along with America has constantly protected Israel in the Security Council of the UN and while they have not even begun to give the kind of bucks or military hardware that we in America have, they are directly responsible for them becoming a nation after God that is.

    It is also true that Israeli Agents have been caught doing espionage in America either once or twice. So, with all we did for them you really would not expect that especially before Obama who loves the Arabs and shows anti-Israeli attitudes became President. Nevertheless, I can think of no other President with the exception of Jimmy Carter who has been as hostile towards Israel as Obama. We have put a lot of pressure on them through the years to give up land though.

    I’m not sure how any Arab can seriously propose Israel give up more land when just about all of them have dedicated themselves to her destruction. But that’s another story. Thank you, MGM.

  2. Thanks Michael,
    The author is certainly aware of England’s involvement in providing Israel their homeland, (it is in the article).
    I was referring more to their general personal acceptance by the peoples of all nations. To keep things simple, I didn’t even mention their plight in Russia or other less Jewish friendly nations. My point was that they had a homeland in Palestine long before Mohammed was born.
    By keeping things general and simple a writer doesn’t have to flip flop between all the anecdotal issues and occurrences such as you point out in your comments. You’ve done a good job of showing that there are truly some actual grievances on either side but the gross major factors still hold true.
    Thanks for your input,

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