The dangers of Obamacare


The mainstream media attacked Romney for his attacks on Obamcare saying it was all lies. It is not lies. The plan clearly states that panels will be set up consisting of retired doctors in various districts who will review patients to decide what treatment they will get. Patients 70 years of age and over will be the cut off age and If you need a heart transplant or bypass or other surgery you will be given comfort care or an end of life doctor. (See link below). Hospitals have already started as of the beginning of this month to turn away medicare patients who return within 30 days to improve quality and save costs. This is also the beginning of rationing.(Also see link below) As the saying goes I saw on a bumper sticker, ”Obama lies and grandma dies.”

Here are 5 pitfalls Obamcare will effect all of us

These pitfalls include 5 dangerous ways in which ObamaCare sets out to harm you and your family:

Intentional Pitfall #1: Robbing Peter to Pay Paul

ObamaCare essentially ‘robs Peter to pay Paul’. How?

Well, if you’re a senior, you’ll be fleeced by the $716 billion in Medicare cuts designed to substantially fund the ObamaCare plan over the next decade.

And that’s just the beginning . .

Intentional Pitfall #2: Insurance Companies Free to
Pass On Increased Costs

Under the new ObamaCare mandates, insurance companies will have free rein to pass on their increased costs to you in the form of:

•Higher premiums
•Higher co-pays
•Higher deductibles
There are no specific price controls to keep the insurance industry in check. Even AARP, the powerful lobby representing American seniors, has already increased the health insurance premiums of its employees from 8 to 13%.

Intentional Pitfall #3: Widespread Doctor Shortage Expected

While many Americans are unhappy with ObamaCare, doctors have been particularly angry. The earning potential of doctors is expected to dwindle due to lowered payment rates for Medicare, among other things. Up to 40% of physicians could retire or seek a non-clinical or even a non-medical job.

And with 30 million more Americans on healthcare insurance plans, not only could there be a medical ‘brain drain’, but also long drives and long waits to see a doctor.

Intentional Pitfall #4: Delayed Implementation and
Hundreds of Unwritten Rules

Shockingly, many of the rules and regulations needed to make the new healthcare system function correctly haven’t even been written yet. And as costs inevitably balloon higher than expected, benefits for consumers are likely to degrade significantly, particularly for seniors, the highest users of healthcare services.

Intentional Pitfall #5: Unelected Government Officials Will
Have Total Control to Make Decisions about Your Healthcare

“Healthcare commissars” who don’t have to worry about being elected by the American people will have undemocratic, totalitarian powers to cut Medicare spending and make decisions on your behalf as a so-called Independent Payment Advisory Board.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg . . .

News from The Associated Press

Jim Clayton

I am a retired former newspaper reporter and retail sales person. I'm a politically conservative easy going person from New Jersey. I am married to a wonderful wife and like talking and writing about movies,, concerts I attend and current events all which I write about here. I would enjoy hearing from anyone on my articles and they can write to me here.

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