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American Politics, Clearly Stated

Most Conservatives and Republicans don’t put politics into every component of their everyday lives. They go to work each morning and return home to their families each night. They get great satisfaction providing for their families and feeling in charge of their lives.

Liberals, progressives and other Democrats seem to prefer chaos, protest marches and telling everyone else how to live their lives.

The only time conservatives like public displays are at fourth of July parades. Whereas Democrats enjoy ANTIFA brawling, occupy wall street sprawls, women’s marches, Black Lives Matter protests, trans-gender displays, and the occasional just plain riot.

When Republican politicians do something that is distasteful to the Republican leadership, as Iowa Representative Steve King did a month or so ago, the party immediately removes him from his committee responsibilities and shames him into silence. But when Representative Ilhan Omar makes a racist, anti-Semitic remark that shocks the nation, the Democrat leader in the House makes excuses for her, mildly shakes her finger at her, and then initiates legislation denouncing the type of remark that Omar made, but leaves the perpetrator of the remark unidentified and unblamed and in full possession of her committee assignments and her good name. The perpetrator skates free on the Democrat side, and the perp on the Republican side is punished.

Republicans choose to discuss pleasantly any and all differences between the parties, but Democrats call Republicans evil and their dutiful followers shoot Republicans on a baseball field outside Washington, nearly killing one of them.

Chicago Democrats are fond of paying friends to have themselves beaten, then calling the attack racism and blaming the it on a MAGA-hat-wearing white guy.

Conservatives usually praise the police for risking their lives to keep our streets safe. Democrats form BLM protests and call for police officer assassinations.

There’s a big difference between Democrats and Republicans, and the continuation of our lives as we’ve known them is dependent on voters keeping Democrats out of political offices.

Dave King

Retired AT&T supervisor.

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