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If Your Vote Falls in a Rural Area and the Electoral College Isn’t Around to Count It, Does It Really Make a Sound?

Due to the electoral college, Donald Trump gained the presidency despite Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote. This brought on an onslaught of angry Democrats declaring unjustness against the electoral voting system and caused an increase in promoting the popular vote to decide the presidency.

Democrats are leading the charge to replace the electoral college process. Their main premise is to have states give their electoral votes to the presidential candidate who wins the popular vote.

Most recently, Colorado’s governor, Jared Polis, signed into law a bill that enables the state to join 12 others in casting their presidential electoral votes for the winner of the national popular vote. What is now being referred to as the National Popular Vote Act, would only take effect if and when enough states join to control 270 electoral votes. Currently, the electoral college tally is 181 which is just 89 short of the needed 270.

Colorado politicians have exerted effort to put the matter on the November 2020 ballot. The movement has until Aug. 1 to collect approximately 200,000 signatures from Colorado voters. If enough signatures are obtained by the deadline, the National Popular Vote will be blocked until Colorado voters vote on the ballot issue.

In theory, I can understand rooting for the concept of whoever gets the most votes should win. Without knowing the basis for the electoral college, the average person would probably agree this is a fair approach.

One of the electoral college’s main purposes is to deter the concentration of political power. Instead of one national election, which the popular vote would support, the electoral college provides a way for each state to have a voice. This, in turn, prevents the federal government from possessing full control and thus disenables the tilting of the election in favor of one party which seeks to methodically increase its power through the voting system.

With a two-party system, it has the potential for one party to take absolute control and to dominate the population. However, under the Constitution, the President is elected every four years, the House every two years, and one-third of the Senate every two years. This allows for the dispersing of political power. The electoral college was put in place by Constitutional framers to enable all states to have a say in the presidential outcome.

According to the Associated Press, Trump won the popular vote in 2,626 counties while Clinton only conjured the popular vote in 487 counties.

If the popular vote was used, only a very small percentage of the country, basically California and New York, would get to decide the presidency. The city of Los Angeles, for example, has a larger population than some entire states do. This means politicians would only focus their campaigning in large cities and smaller states would be completely void of any voting power. With the electoral college, each state gets the right to have input on the presidential election and allows for American citizens to have their voices heard.

Democrats are not treading lightly when it comes to getting votes. They have already abolished the requirement for IDs needed to vote, now they are also stunting to lower the voting age to 16 for federal elections.

Isn’t it amusing how the electoral college was accepted for over 200 years until Hillary lost the election? Democrats certainly seem to suggest that if you lose, you just need to change the rules until it enables you to win.

Loathing Trump should not be a reason to give up your voting voice.

If you want inner cities to speak for all of America, support the popular vote.

If you believe that our sacred voting right extends to all voters across the US, support the electoral college.

If you want your vote to matter and your voice to be heard, you need to use it now before it is too late.

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Amalia White

Amalia is a millennial on a mission. She is a passionate free speech supporter and wants to produce articles that make people evaluate what they believe and why they believe it. https://patriotsofthelord.com/author/amaliawhite/ Twitter: @AmaliaWhite Blog: amaliawhite.com

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  1. I thought you would need a “Constitutional act” to change from “electoral college to popular vote” You would need a Convention of states of which at least 35 states must agree in order to alter any amendment or article of the constitution,,,this cannot be done by just a few states

  2. It will never happen. I have listened (though not researched) that all kinds of ratifications must take place first: 2/3 of both houses (not nuclear), eventually winding up back on national ballots as a Constitutional issue where 75% of the states must vote in favor. A sure kill.

    I wish you would do the population averages of “Killary’s 487” v. DJT’s 2,626, a county sweep by President Trump of 84.4%. And the hypocrites want to abolish it??? No chance.

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